Kiara Everwhacks

From AmtWiki

Page Kiara Everlen Sharpie, of NodRama Neverwinter

It's not murder if they are delaying your ditching. - Saint

It was small, but it was there and angry. - Kiara


Kiara began playing in Sunstone when it was an active shire in 2004, and took time off after playing for a year. After moving to Orlando, she found the local chapter of Amtgard NodRama completely by accident and has been wholly addicted since April 2010. You can usually find Kiara on the ditch field threatening to stab someone.

Kiara has served two terms as Regent at NodRama since becoming an active player in April 2010.

Affiliated Groups

Green Lantern Corps - Rookie

House Black Ice

Belted Family

Page to MaA Covina Sharpie, Duchess of Squat