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Man At Arms Amalea Redmoon, of Dragonspine

”Watch the camera!”



Amalea got dragged out to the park at the insistence of her (at the time) friend Little Raven. She started attending regulary after school let out for the summer, and after she started dating Raven (coinky dink, huh?). She is known for having her camera out at events and has captured some awesome pictures. She accepted a Man At Arms belt from Gidget in June. After attending her first Clan in 2011, she became a petioner with the Wardens, and has begun looking for a bow so she can start playing archer.

Flurby Bio

Much unknown. Thanks to Raven's help she now knows that she was once raped and once married. She also knows that her husband was killed, but she does not know how. She woke up in a forest in tiger form and didn't how she got there, what had happened, or really who she was. Things began to come back to her slowly. After she got her barrings she noticed a rabbit and had to chase it. The rabbit ran through a mirror and Amalea tried to stop, but failed and fell into the mirror. After landing she started chasing after the rabbit again. The Bandersnatch soon chased her but she was rescued by members from the Kingdom of Dragonspine. Now she follows them and joins in on the adventures.

Affiliated Groups

Order of the Errant - Wardens petitioner

Belted Family

Man At Arms to Gidget through title of Nobility.

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • 253807_10150210415209655_822704654_6943665_4973832_n.jpg

Little Raven and Amalea at Coronation Feast May 2011.

  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website