Yamato Kayda

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Player information Name-Edmund William Vient

Alignment-chaotic neutral

Likes- charred animal flesh, playing on the computer, talking, amtgard(that's a given), also gaining new friendships and also D and D(Spell sword for the win!)

Dislikes- Arguments, veggies, green dragons, crit-fails, Not obtaining what i want, Repeating myself, and did i mention im tall and afraid of heights! 0.0

I have been playing amtgard for over 2 years now going through all of the magical classes so I can share my knowledge with everybody on my team twilight moon. I have been interested in amtgard magic because of my fascination with magic in my D and D days. Ever sense then i have been improving my staff skills in different forms of martial arts to improve my fighting technique. I am known for my ability to learn and obtain knowledge quickly which makes me deadly along with my endurance and speed, as well as an asset with my valuable skills!

Persona info Regan Engrexel Lechgual

Alignment-chaotic neutral

likes-Showing off, eating charred animal flesh, reading when applicable, obtaining knowledge when possible, being a lone wolf, bragging when applicable, learning entertainment, anything magical.

dislikes- working as a group,

the side quest of magic verses machine

The start of the new-found power insert persona part to story here