House Pantheon

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House Pantheon was a small group of roleplayers from Brevard County Florida (Ichihama Region) who were members of the Laughing Ronin. When all their members left Laughing Ronin... yeah.



Heraldry was composed of many symbols of the gods from a particular pantheon with two main themes as septagram and a infinity symbol


Former MembersPeople




we are a group of roleplayers who are all friends. I have been running my Campaign for many years with the help of a few others. The game takes into account of the complete histories of most of the players with some that have been playing for 20 years now. The campaign itself has been named the Pantheon because of a player based pantheon of gods thats has come to be in game. The oldest character in the game was made in 1989. The one thing that we did was was when some of our players needed a smoke break the others busted out swords and fought.
we also have been attending Megacon for many years where we would fight in the Barbarian Battles tournements, and the friends we made there (Saint and Afro samurai) is how we ended up starting Laughing Ronin(many thanks to Saint who really did all the work)

Later, Laughing Ronin came apart, and these people left... it would appear there were some hard feelings involved.