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Great Eastern X

Great Eastern X is, in the words of Aiyana Tishir, the "Phoenix Event"; and I can think of no better way to describe it. This event, one that when the O'crats arrived was burning in flames of miscommunication, insufficient funding, and low morale, rose to become one of the most memorable events for any of us.

Within the first 24 hours of the event, the Autocrat had quit, we didn't have enough money to cover the event due to low attendance, players were talking about driving home to get to their field in time for normal Amtgard, and the owner of the site had informed us that we should have no one else set up camp as we would likely be expelled Saturday Morning due to numerous complaints. This was certainly not a good way to start things off.

A brief meeting of concerned individuals took place in the wee hours of Saturday Morning regarding what should be done about the problems noted above. Forming a plan, Team "Get Smurf Done" sprung into action. A meeting was called for all Amtgarders in attendance where new rules were laid down, rules that led to a change from 'numerous complaints' to '0 complaints' for the remainder of our time at Stony Fork.

The next hurdle to overcome was the lack of funding. Due to the expenditure of monies on unnecessary items, such as monogrammed bandanas and live music; essential items, like food for Feast and overhead for the campsite, were unable to be paid based on gate fee alone. A plan was hatched, with Kentigern, Serena, and Bowen at the wheel of the speeding truck heading for a cliff that was GE at the time.

Through concession snacks and lunches, provided by Feast O'Crats Extraordinaire Kentigern & Serena; the Auction, MC'd by Bowen, consisting of the products and services of the best people Goldenvale and Friends has to offer; and last, but certainly not least, the fundraising tournament held by the Godstone Fair; this reporter is happy (and relieved) to inform the reader that the deficit was eliminated, with some extra funds made to put toward next year in the sincere hope of avoiding similar issues.

Thankfully, the third problem, low morale, was solved by the two steps above. Once the players who attended GE realized that a significant number of those in attendance refused to let the event fail, everyone went about making their own fun. By Sunday, I do believe that everyone went home a little more tired than normal, but with at least one or two good stories to tell. One thing is for sure, GEX will, for better or worse, never be forgotten.

Thus ends my report, and if I might be so bold, I would like to abuse my power as a reporter to send out a sincere and honest thank you to everyone who stepped up to help the event. From Team Get Smurf Done to those who Auctioned themselves off to those who picked up trash and even to those who bought concessions instead of McDonalds or simply followed the additional rules put in place; you all helped make Great Eastern X a success. Eighty Amtgarders banded together to tell the rest of the Amtgard Community, and perhaps themselves, that Amtgard serves a greater purpose than drinking and hitting each other with sticks. We are a family, and as such, we rose up together and fought off impossible odds to have a profitable and successful event.

There are a lot of people that I would like to thank on an individual level, but doing so would double this already lengthy article. There is, however, one person in particular who went above and beyond to help me out personally, Sir Elizabeth of Goldenvale. Sir Liz was an incredible asset to me without whom I would have collapsed from stress, lack of food, and dehydration. Sir Liz is an exemplary Knight, Amtgarder, and Friend; and I was very lucky to have had someone like her watching out for me.


Feast of Fools 2008

We arrived on site around 3 Friday and set up camp. Nothing much happened until some ditching later in the evening around 7 or so. The ditching really got good around midnight with maybe 30-40 people on the line. There were a couple of injuries and some "special" friends were made.

Saturday morning they held a hangover tourney at 8am. It was disorganized and many of the people who signed up for it didn't show. There was another tourney scheduled for 10, but that was canceled.

The Fools War happened around noon. It was supposed to be CG against everyone else. It turned out to be everyone else against mostly Saracens. It was so terribly one sided that I didn't get to throw a single shot, everyone was dead by the time I got to the line. On the third run our shield wall took a seat and watched the flankers sweep the entire other side.

After the Fools War Sir Haggis started a pick-up Class battle. This was fun, but small.

The company battle started around 3 and was run "ditch style". Our team, 4 Winds plus 2 others, tied for 3rd place. Omega; Sirs Goliath, Haggis and Sanchez; managed to herd the entire Saracen team, doing more damage than any other group.

Right before feast the rains came. By the time we got back to the site from showering everything was mud. Feast was apalling. The food was cold and the potatoes were raw in some cases.

After Court they did a Who's Line Is It Anyway game. This was very funny. Squires Armand, Justice and Pyro were hilarious as well as some Wardancer guy. We hung out until 5am then went to bed

Sunday morning showed just how muddy it had gotten. We packed up and headed home.

All in all the event is what I've come to expect from Crystal Groves. The events rarely run on time. The food is sub-par. The event is over priced. Hanging out with your friends is the only reason to go. -Kentigern

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