
From AmtWiki
Revision as of 01:12, 26 March 2008 by Mkarthon (talk | contribs)

We do exsist so would someone please get the information straight here?! For the record this wiki has false information on Gladaeus! Why are we even here? that someone or entity did not handle it's Responsibilty of gathering information properly..

M Karthon 3-25-2008

To be fair, this is the AmtWiki; you do not play Amtgard. Information on your game should be a secondary concern (as I imagine it is) to the primary subject of this WIKI; Amtgard. --Bowen 25 March 2008 13:54

Then correct this mess as stated regardless someone placed it here,So it need be correct. Now get busy if it may be you.. For example

Gladaeus From AmtWiki A short-lived LARP created by former members of Amtgard from Lazarus Grove.

Exactly what i am talkng about. If your wiki is going to plagerize us, then do it properly regardless.. Thank you.

First, there is no plagiarism at work here. Secondly, the only way to get exactly what you want on the Gladaeus page is to edit it yourself. Instead of editing the discussion page, edit the article page; that way you can be certain that your group is reflected as you see fit.

It is important to understand that WIKI stands for "What I Know Is"; this is not a project of fact, it is a project of what the collective believes to be fact; mistakes do happen. Handling things appropriately and willing to be part of the solution is the best way to deal with issues like this --Bowen 25 March 2008 15:37

There is no reason for you to be hostile to us for adding information on you former chapter to the Amtwiki. As LG was an amtgard chapter i't history, or what we knew of it was recorded here. Your game, as my fellow contributor Bowen has pointed out, is a secondary concern for us. It was listed as defuct because your half finished website had not been updated for nearly 5 years. It was was is called a reasonable assumption. As far as your information goes you may update the info on your larp, but you may not remove information from the LG page. I have reverted your edits there. --Linden 16:21, 25 March 2008 (EDT)

total ass's is what assumption means.You still are plagerizing our information after the fact i have tried to correct it properly several times. Post whatthe hell you want, proves again amtagrd is full of dysfuntional trouble making misfits whom offer assumptions instead of facts.. Will not affect our game at all. Happy assumptions and plagerizing peoples information.. Again i founded Lazarus Grove and ran it and got it to where it was with amtgard so if you want facts instead of assumptions or inaccurate websites you should consider the source me, like i said i tried to correct things to true to fact, but you insist on assumptions. You must be new to amtgard, for amtgard in thepast has been known for assumptions on to much...