V9: Honor System

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Revision as of 16:56, 12 December 2022 by BlackBart (talk | contribs) (fixing template transclusion errors)
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.

The Honor System - The Backbone of Amtgard

Before you ever step onto the field, it is important that you align your expectations for how LARP, and Amtgard in particular, differs from traditional gaming and sports.

The brilliance of Amtgard combat happens when a field full of players can share the same imaginary experience together. A foam sword can sever Anne’s arm; a padded ‘fireball’ can immolate Alona’s shield; a magical incantation can bring Val back from the dead. This unique gaming experience is only possible through the willing cooperation and honorable conduct of each and every participant, friend and foe.

Simply put, Amtgard puts a lot of weight on the honor system because it would be logistically impossible to do what we do otherwise. Our referees, called Reeves, will do their best to keep everyone on the right track, but they simply cannot oversee each and every interaction. As such, the bulk of responsibility for honest and fair play falls upon the players themselves.

To support and foster this honor system, we have drafted a series of Honor System Responsibilities (HSR) that all players should strive to embody while participating in Amtgard activities.V9: Honor System ResponsibilitiesTemplate:V9 Combat