V9: Valid Strikes

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Revision as of 17:46, 9 December 2022 by BlackBart (talk | contribs)
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.

Valid Strikes

Valid Strikes, also known as Legal Strikes, must make contact with enough forward momentum that an unaware opponent wearing basic, non-bulky, garb could distinguish the strike as offensive rather than incidental contact. Players wearing thick or bulky armor/garments must acknowledge a valid strike against them even if the blow is not felt.

Valid Strikes are divided into four categories:

  1. Melee Slash: A slash is a strike with the side of a weapon. It must be percussive (contact with an audible impact) and stop on or deflect off the victim.
  2. Melee Stab: A stab is a strike with the tip of a weapon. It must strike with the tip and be stopped by or deflect/glance off the victim.
  3. Projectile Stab ( Arrows/ Javelins): A stab from a projectile weapon. The projectile must have traveled its own length through the air after being released, strike with the tip, and be stopped by or deflect/glance off the victim.
  4. Projectile Contact ( Thrown Weapons, Rocks, Spellballs): Contact Projectiles can strike with any part of their surface as long as it has traveled its own length through the air after being released and stops on or deflects/glances off the victim.

Illegal Obstructions: A strike that is prevented from making valid contact due to an Illegal Obstruction, such as loose garb, thick hair, bulky armor, or unwielded equipment, will count as a valid strike against whatever would have been hit if the obstruction was not there. Template:V9 Combat Mechanics