House Solaris

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Revision as of 00:43, 15 August 2019 by DagonSolaris (talk | contribs)

House Solaris

House Solaris.jpg

Biography of Group

Founded in late 2017, House Solaris is dedicated to providing a path for newer players to learn basic skills in weapon crafting, reeving, and anything else they want to learn. We are a service household dedicated to ensuring that newer players have teachers available for skills they wish to learn. We strive to ensure that each progressive generation of amtgarders is better than the ones that came before them.

We accept members from any and all kingdoms and parks.

While our focus is primarily on newer players, we are open to any and all who wish to join, and are dedicated to general improvement of Amtgard as a whole, rather than just a single kingdom or group of players.

While we don't require you to take the surname Solaris when you achieve full member status in the House, it is preferred that you do.

We will provide any player who has played less than 6 months with a package of gear including a dagger, a short sword, and a basic tabard or tunic.

Affiliated Groups


Notable Accomplishments