Bacchus Springjaw

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Revision as of 03:31, 23 January 2018 by Fiks (talk | contribs)

Dreadlord Squire Bacchus Springjaw, of Clockwork Spires, Westmarch

Bacchus' Heraldry
Home Park Clockwork Spires
Kingdom Westmarch
Year Started 2014
Noble Title Dreadlord
Belt Status Squire to Sir Deimos




Lord - awarded by Grand Duke Sir Euric Bloodstone, King of Westmarch November 2015

Belted History

Belted Family

Squire to Duke Sir Deimos (June 2017) Leige to Man-at-Arms Roark

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

Founded Bremen's Fortress

Founded Clockwork Spires

War-o-Crat - Crossroads II, November 2015

Additional Images