Saedrik De Grayle

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"Saedrik De Grayle"
Home Park Caerbannog
Kingdom Goldenvale
Year Started 2009
Noble Title N/A
Belt Status Man-At-Arms

Man-At-Arms Saedrik De Grayle of Caerbannog

”I will be the light in the times of great darkness.”


Birth and the Third Crusade
Saedrik was born September 28th, 1168 in York, England. He was an only child whose father was a Knight of the Crown. However his father perished in combat four years after he was born. At the age of thirteen in 1181 Saedrik became a squire and was assigned to be the assistant to a Templar name Denz. Through much training and devotion Saedrik himself was knighted and joined the ranks of the Knight's Templar in 1185 for showing such devotion and his family's lineage. The next four years were mostly uneventful. That is until the Third Crusade broke out in 1189.

During the Third Crusade he participated in the Siege of Acre for several years. It was there where his combat experience was mostly put to the test. Though he was to go to Jaffa with King Richard the Lionheart's army. As Richard's army moved to Jaffa it was attacked by Saladin's forces in what would be known as the Battle of Arsuf on September 7th, 1191. During the battle the Hospitaller forces broke ranks and charged the Saracen's. Leading Richard to commit all of his army to the attack. Saedrik was killed hours before the Crusaders decisive victory in this battle.

The Keeper of the Outlanders
But that was not the end of Saedrik. Far from it as it marked a new beginning for the war. When he awoke he found himself in the courtyard of a massive castle complex. Confused he ventured through the interior of the keep. Finding symbols and insignia's both known and unknown to him. Upon his exploration he came in contact with the castle's only apparent inhabitent. Simply called 'The Keeper' the strange man explained what this realm was and just what that meant for the fallen Templar.

The world to which the castle resided in is called 'The Outlands'. A realm between realms where Warriors devoted to serving the Light are born or rather chosen. The Keeper then explained that Saedrik was chosen to be the next 'Outlander'. Though just exactly what this entailed or meant was unknown to the warrior. What he took from it was that he was to travel the many realms as a Warrior of the Light and fight off the forces of the Darkness where ever they may roam. But even that was sketchy to him at best. He was given a ring as a symbol of his status. Which he wears around his neck.

Entering the realm of Amtgard
Saedrik had travelled to a few realms yet learned very little from his travels when he ended up in the Amtgard world. Quickly he learned about the lands of the Kingdom he now called home. The Kingdom of Goldenvale. He met another Templar named Brother Fredrik de Money who had far more experience in this realm than he had. When it was offered for him to be taken up as a Man-At-Arms to the Veteran Templar Saedrik agreed. And the two for what was best in the Kingdom and it's people.

The Outlander fought in many battles for the Kingdom of Goldenvale and travelled around when he demmed it necessary. For the most part though he kept to the main Kingdom to ensure it's populace would remain safe from the growing darkness in the lands. When Nydgenga Dawnbreaker took the throne of Goldenvale and declared all non humans as abhorrent he was appauled. He fought for the freedom and rights of the non human populace. Who he hadn't even known existed until his induction as an Outlander a few years prior. He planned to stage a rebellion in the name of the non-humans though this never came to fruition as he had disappeared.

New beginning in Caerbannog
Saedrik's disappearance was no coincidence as he banished by an extremist loyalist. Who feared he'd go against the reign of the crown. The banishment spell landed him back in the Outlands. And while he wasn't there for any longer than a few days for himself. He had found that time in the Amtgard world had gone forward quite a bit without him. When he got back Nydgenga was no longer Monarch and Fredrik had founded a shire to help give refuge to those who had been exiled from Goldenvale.

After wandering the lands and going from settlement to settlement to learn the fates of the people who he had grown attached to. After he gained the knowledge he longed for he visited the shire of Caerbannog several times before he began travelling the lands more abroad. Feeling as if the Kingdom he once served was no longer a good home for him. Though after a couple years as a Nomadic Mercenary he returns once more to Caerbannog in service of the Kingdom he once called home and in the shire his Mentor helped found.

Belted Family

Brother Fredrik (Mentor)

Notable Accomplishments

Title of Quest Monkey (2010)

More Information

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