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Brother Tydrones of House Lycian, of the Shire of Valley of the Fallen, Westmarch


Heraldry House Lycian.png
Heraldry of Tydrones of House Lycian
Home Park Valley of the Fallen
Kingdom Westmarch
Year Started 2015
Noble Title None Yet
Belt Status None Yet

”Vigilate et Expectare (Watch and Wait...)”

Darkshore 2016


Started off in Belegarth back in the 2008 in Ohio. He first fought under the Brotherhood of the Falcon, but never became a member. He helped to found a small group there that still fights, Umbra Imperium, then eventually headed out west to his home state of California. He had been on break for almost a year when Lothar told him he was starting a Shire in Pasadena. Excited to rejoin the world of combat, and to see the sorcery he joined on in April of 2015 as a Priest and hasn't looked back since.


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House Lycian

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He enjoys brewing mead, and brews it for his park and for various events. He would love to see the day where he may earn his Knighthood for his mead, a true Knight of the Barrel!

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