Steel Rain
Steel Rain
"Bring the Pain! Bring the Thunder! Bring the Rain!"
”Rain Hell From Above!”
Household Heraldry
Biography of Group
Formed in response to an imminent war, several new players to Burning Lands gathered together to form a semblance of strength in a trying time, while other households and companies were too busy gathering strength among their own numbers. Regardless of how new the group is, they have proven their loyalty to the crown by rebuilding settlements and engaging raiding parties coming from lands currently unknown. Their leadership consists of seasoned veterans in both Amtgard and trained in other mundane skills that have proven useful in Amtgard. They are known to assist in deeds of nobility and courage, and are known to keeping their word of honor. They are also known to hold those who have sworn an oath to the standard of that oath.
We are a group that likes using ranged attacks, but will accept anybody who shares our outlook on bringing oathbreakers and others who threaten the throne and all that is good in Amtgard to justice. Somebody has to protect the wizard in melee combat...
Affiliated Groups
Tidus- Full Member/House Lord
Hiro Matsuzaka- Full Member/Battle Master
Tiorella Mazziona- Full Member/House Chancellor
Traveller- Steel Reserve
Tiberion Hectus Averian- Steel Reserve
Exo Omega- Steel Reserve
HRothgar- Steel Reserve
Hecraim- Steel Reserve
Leanda Belbanes- Steel Reserve
Illian- Steel Reserve
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2
More Information
- [["Web address here"
- [["Web address here"
- Contact [mailto:"your email" "Your Name"] for more information.