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A Chapter of the Wetlands, located in Conroe, Texas.

Amtgard Chapter
Kingdom Wetlands
Status Barony
City Conroe, TX
Park Kasmiersky Park
Meets on Sundays @ 2pm
Founded 2002?
Active '



A strongly role-play oriented group, Ironwood's park is growing with old and new members each week.The players are friendly and love to quest.

Each week there are plenty of events that are happening. We include Role-Playing aspects each week, A&S demonstrations each month, and many different forms of fighting (including ditching, battlegames and full quests).

Our Park is now a Duchy and is becoming the place to be within the Wetlands. Ironwood is known for it's hospitality and availability for hosting Monarchs and Kingdom level one-day events.

On a mundane note: restrooms, water fountains, a large covered pavilion, a skate-park, a dog park and a children's playground are available, and lend to the more family oriented atmosphere of this park.

There are a Kroger and other amenities at I-45 and 336 South, on your way in.

===Current Monarchy===

The current monarchy is supporting the ongoing trend of family oriented activities, promotion of A&S with bi-monthly themed competitions (See below), enforcement of minimum garb standard, promotion of the Rules of Play 8.0+, amusing - rather than totally dry - courts, public acknowledgment of achievement wherever possible, and in general, having fun.

September FOOD FIGHT

Every year in September Amtgard gathers and collects food and money for local food banks and charities. This year Ironwood will be doing many different activities to help support this charity drive. We will be doing Charity Ironman tournaments with martial weapons, archery and spellballs. We will be holding a water balloon tournament. There is a raffle ($1 per ticket) for many wonderful items. There is a "pie in the Face" donation, where the officer who gets the most money in his/her can gets a pie in the face! And much more! Ironwood has been challenged by other Wetland groups and other kingdoms to raise funds. This year we mean to exceed anyone's expectations.

Calendar of Events for Ironwood:

NOTE: These theme days are also coinciding with A&S tournaments

August 16th: Demo Space Cadet Collection Collection-6:30-8:00pm

August 17th: Part 9 Quest line
August 23rd: Demo: Space Cadet Collection Collection- 11:00 am-?

August 24th: Ironwood Midreign: Archery, martial ironman tournaments, Potluck food, jugging, Battlegames, and fun! August31st: Park Day-Part 10 of Quest Line

September 1st: FOOD FIGHT BEGINS!

September 7th: Park Day: Part 11 & 12 of Quest Line
September 12-14th: Wetlands Midreign at Woodsy Hollow
September 14th: Park Day: Part 13 of Quest Line
September 21st: A&S Competition: Theme: The Written Word- Part 14 of Quest Line
September 28th: Park Day: Part 15 of Quest Line

October 5th: Park Day: Part 16 of Quest Line: Food fight raffle prizes drawn

October 12th: King's Visit: Part 17 of Quest Line- Potluck food day
October 19th: Park Day: Part 18 of quest Line
October 24th-26th: Ironwood Bash at Amaranth's place (Big Event hosted by Ironwood!) A&S Competition: Darkness/ All Hallow's eve- Kingdom Collegium- Tournaments- Battlegames- Bardic- Feast.
October 26th: Park day: Part 19 of Quest Line

November 2nd: Park Day: Part 20 of Quest Line

November 9th: Park Day: Part 21 of Quest Line
November 16th: Park Day: Part 22 of Quest Line
November 22nd: Kingdom Quals hosted at Ironwood.
November 23rd: Park Quals: A&S competition: Open Theme: Warskill Tournamnet
November 30th: Park Day: Finale of Quest Line (This is the big one)
Declaration of Recruitment winners!

December 7th: New officers take over

All dates are subject to change due to conflicts with Kingdom/Interkingdom calendar, etc.

Further information on each day and the associated activities is available on out Facebook group at!/groups/108776329171507/

Photos from regular park meets as well as other Wetlands events are available for viewing through

Contacts and Directions

We meet on Sundays at 2pm at Kasmiersky Park, on the south west side of Conroe, Texas.

Here is the website for the park with a map.

For information on other chapters in Amtgard look here