Abilities Defined

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Revision as of 22:41, 7 November 2007 by Thax (talk | contribs)

This is a section of the Dor Un Avathar the previous section is Monster Traits

Abilities Defined

Innate Magical Abilities

Unless listed as magical, Innate Abilities are non-magical in nature. Innate Magical Abilities are cancelled or dispelled by Anti-Magic areas. Targets bearing Protection from Magic and those who are immune to magic are likewise unaffected by these abilities.

Magic-Like Abilities

Magic-Like Abilities are treated and activated in all ways as per the spell listed, except they do not cost magic points, do not require a free hand, and are given a set number of uses. Magic- Like Abilities cannot be used in Anti-Magic areas. Magic-Like abilities can be used with the Extension spell, if a Monster has access to both.

the next section of the Dor Un Avathar is Vulnerability