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===Notable Accomplishments===
===Notable Accomplishments===
Flurb of the year 2021, along with [[Zerial Trollhorn]]
===Additional Images===
===Additional Images===

Revision as of 03:17, 9 April 2022

Ronin, Xalgrim, of Astral Winds in Northreach



   The name is Xalgrim, I used to hail from the realm of Kray, but long ago a dark war destroyed and engulfed my land and its people.
   Our kingdom in which I was captain of the great wall, fell to the blight and creatures that spawned from it. Only I walked away from the devastation. In shame I threw away my name sake and took on the wanderers path, only known as Ronin. 
   Years went by and I found a place that was desolate and cold, but there were people struggling to survive. I took them under my wing and created a hold known as Frozen Wasteland. Some called it a shire... the people hailed me as there war chief. 
  After years of prosperity, again tragedy struck.. the shire and all it's people were scattered. Once again I took on the life of a wanderer. 
  I traveled much to far off lands, and found myself in the Kingdom of Northreach, where I found yet another kingdom suffering from toil, but this time it was diffrent. 
  The people held strong, and hope seemed to eminate from everywhere. I decided to join their fight, and follow their conquest. 
  I was recognized by the Baron of a land called Astral Winds. The Baron who I had met years before, and had once hired me as a mercenary. His name was Deamon Lord Puppet Master. 
   Once again he called me to arms, but not as a mercenary, but as his belted Man at arms, So again I took up the shield, sword, and reclaimed my name sake. 
  As time went by I was approached by a group of honorable soldiers that were spread through the land, "the Wild Hunt". This company had won my adoration from how hard they fought to restore the land, and help whenever possible. It was truly honorable, and I was greatly honored when they invited me to join their ranks. 
  Now my journey continues as we defend this prosperous kingdom from the scourges of darkness. And we shall not fail.

Belted Family

Belted to Lord Master Puppet- Man At Arms.

Group Affiliation

Notable Accomplishments

Flurb of the year 2021, along with Zerial Trollhorn

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website