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*[[Sir]] [[Jeddak]]
*[[Sir]] [[Jeddak]]
**[[Squire]] [[Antininus]]
**[[Squire]] [[Antininus]]
****[[Man-At-Arms]] [[Kydeshka Kyrakekash]]
***[[Man-At-Arms]] [[Kydeshka Kyrakekash]]
===Notable Accomplishments===
===Notable Accomplishments===

Revision as of 21:27, 15 May 2013

Man-At-Arms Kydeshka Kyrakekash, of Skywatch Golden Plains


My name is Kydeshka Kyrakekash. I was one of many…many children. When I was a baby my father went off to war never to return. My mother was already older when she had me and died while I was still quite young. I didn't quite like being at home with all of my siblings. There were more than enough of us to keep our small fishing boat going, so I would head into the town and follow a group of kids around. I love life. I love people. But I know both are fleeting and I respect that. As for my group of friends, we became a family. We would do random jobs here and there for food from the locals. We were even hired to spook away those who shouldn't be in certain places. We were small, fast and quite clever. As we grew up we kept to the lifestyle that we had grown accustomed to. We would all much rather enjoy life than work ourselves to death. At one point a few of us would grow weary of being in one place for too long, so we would travel to a new place. Sometimes people stayed behind, but we would wish them well. It eventually ended up just being me. Not that I minded. I was an adult at this point and fully content with my life and I was glad that my comrades had found where they belong. I would have a smile on my face because I was happy to have had the experience of being their companion. I ended up traveling down a road one evening, letting the wind take me wherever I was meant to go. In the ditch I spotted a lump. A heap, A person! He seamed okay. Breathing with no blood spewing wounds (thank God). He was too big for me to carry, so I drug him laying in his own cloak to a town near by…Didn't feel so near though… Found a barn to stay in, thanks to the unknowing owners. and got him cleaned up. Got some food from the same owners, just enough to not be missed. When he finally came to, I told him where I had found him and how we got there. He never told me what had happened to him and I didn't ask. But we became fast friends. He taught me to wield a sword and use my size to my advantage. I followed him everywhere. Apparently he was not well liked by some, because we kept running into people trying to kill him. But he would just take care of business and move on. It kind of became a game to us. Not that I enjoy killing people, but I don't want to die more than my dislike for killing. Like I said, I really enjoy life. And that's how it was. I always met new people and went to new places. When a friend became a foe, I never hated them for it. I would fight them honorably. If they were not my friend to begin with, then not so honorably. Fighting fair when being so small of stature is just letting the other person kill me. So if they are not clever enough to watch their back? Eh… I never asked my companions name, I just called him 'Sir'. And then one day he was gone. As if he never existed. But I know he had. And I'm glad I experienced it. I kept moving on till I came to Skywatch. New people? Check. New Place? Check. My smile was a little easier to come by here. And then more people would come to Skywatch. I would ask about different companies that I would see come and go, but the one group that I always had an eye on was the Nizari. They looked like a family. They acted like a family. So when that door was opened to me, I smiled and stepped on in. What a great way to start a new adventure.

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Belted Family

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