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"Done then" Vincent replied and Cpt Red and he shook on it.
"Done then" Vincent replied and Cpt Red and he shook on it.
[[Category: Back Story]]

Revision as of 21:50, 16 November 2010

Sitting at a table in the Barnacle, Roak was half listening to Cpt Red and the mates talk about thier next raids. He hoped this one would go better then the last few. Three failed attacks on merchent ships had taken it's toll on the crew and supplies. They had set to port with barley crew enough to man the Rampage and supplies were dangerously low. He was listening only to get an idea of the distances and time it would take so he could get an accurate list of supplies together for the Cpt to procure. Being the navigator and First Mate of the Rampage it was one of his duties, for now anyway. It was well known that Cpt Red was going to retire soon and wanted one last haul to live on. It was also well known that Roak was to take over as Cpt. The men seemed not to mind this as Roak was well respected and liked by the crew. He was tough and demanding at times, expecting the men to perform at top notch at all times and during raids to give the extra effort. But also he took care if the needs of the men, often taking a post or relieving a man when needed, or even depriving himself of rest to help them out in a pinch, which he seemed to be doing all the time as of late, what with a reduced crew.

The men seemed to be in good spirits, the rum was flowing like a river and the men were taking full advantage of it, even if exausted. He doughted any of the men would make it back to the ship tonight. Not a problem though as no one would dare board the Rampage, not in this port anyway. Even so Roak had made sure the security systems were set to repel any man who wanted to test his fourtune, besides even IF they managed to bypass the traps they wouldn't get very far, not with a "broken" rudder chain that is. Another measure Roak had implemented. Just in case.

As he looked about the room to the men, all at least half drunk on rum and whatever else, he noticed a dark hooded figure sitting out of the way talking to another group of pirates he had not seen before. Courious he studied them for a few moments. They seemed to be gesturing toward Cpt Red at times. Roak was just about to rise and approach them when one stood up and crossed the room heading in the Cpt's direction. Roak snapped into focus, rose and rushed to the Cpt just before the man got close enough to do any harm.

" Cpt" Roak yelled "stand tall". Cpt Red turned and faced the man just as he got to within a swords reach. "What is yer bisiness with my Cpt?" Roak demanded "Stand down mate i have an offer for your Cpt" as he raises his hands to show he has no weapons. "What sort of offer have ye for me?" replied Cpt Red "We sail under the Sea Scourge and we have learned of a tale of Drow treasure that would make yer heart stop." Replied the man. "I am Vincent First Mate of the Scourge and we would like to offer you an equal share if ye should take the risk with us." " Why not just take it yerselvs?" ask Cpt Red "Drow are fierce warriors and we would need many men to claim it. as you seem to be looking for a haul and a crew we offer you this. That if you can raise a full crew plus and are willing to share the danger, the Sea Scourge will sail with ye." "When do you set sail" "One week not a day more" "Then we have an accord. i will find the men you supply the charts and we all share the loot." "Done then" Vincent replied and Cpt Red and he shook on it.

The next few days were spent recruiting a crew which wasn't difficult at all once the word of the treasure got out. After they had enough men for 3 ships the task was set for supplies. Roak figured at about 3 weeks at sea so 4 weeks of supplies would be enough and if not they could always resupply via attacks on merchent ships. Ammunition was a bit more scarce however, they had enough powder and shot for the men but powder and shot for the cannons was lacking. Still, he felt what they had would hold for now.

After assigning the men to thier respective ships the Rampage and the Scourge had enough men for a crew and a half. Many would not make it that was obvious but even if they took a major loss they would still be able to man both ships for the return. Quarters would be cramped but after the job was done it should be considerably less so. Roak hated the thought that probably half the men would not survive the raid, but such is the life of a pirate.

Roak still had no map or charts for the journey yet. He was told that the hooded figure, Nedriia, a drow elf he later learned, would provide them just before they set sail. Interesting though that a Drow would betray thier own. Not at all what one would expect, or so it was told. But apparently the Drow have a few discontented types amongst them. Drow pirates Roak thought thats kinda odd.

Roak sat in the Barnacle the eve before they were to sail awaiting his charts. It was much quieter this time, as the men were onboard the ships making final preperations for the mornings sailing, however there were a few of the men there . Three in particular seemed to catch Roak's attention, the same that were with Nedriia a week ago, they seemed to be waiting for someone. A few minuites later Nedriia entered the tavern, nodded to Roak and sat down with the three men she had what looked like a map case with her. My charts no dought he thought about damn time!!

Nedriia spoke with the men for a few moments the handed over the case and pointed to Roak. She then got up and left, looking somewhat in a hurry, odd. "Here be yer charts mate" as one handed the case to him " do yer best NOT to get us lost" he added jokingly. "So long as yer men can follow a steady course we'll be fine" Roak retorted and opened the case. Seeing what looked like charts he was satisfied. He would examin them further on the Rampage. No need to take a chance on anyone else seeing them. Roak then finished his rum and made his way to the Rampage to best plan a course then retire for the eve. The sun would see him up and giving orders when it rose in the morning.

* * * * * *

A week into the voyage the first mate on the Sea Scourge took ill and a few days later was buried at sea. Roak had been asked to fill the spot, and with the permission of Cpt Red took quarters onboard the Scourge. It seemd a sound decision as it was the faster ship, smaller and lighter she could sail ahead of the Rampage as a scout vessel. As Roak had the charts all the Rampage had to do was follow. It seemed to be working for now. The men on the Rampage, however, were a bit against the transfer as they were hoping Roak would Cpt thier ship. But for now they went along, perhaps Roak would join them after the raid and after Red retired.

Two and one half weeks later they found thier mark. "Land Ho!!!" called the crows nest " Three points off the Starbord bow!" Roak squinted his eyes and barely made out the coast. Pulling his spyglass from his pouch he sighted in on the land. After a quick check and confirming with his charts he was sure they had arived at the proper location. "Cpt Rattan," Roak called " I believe we have arrived" "Well if you think so then we must be here then. I trust your charts confirm it?" "Aye they do." "Well then find us a good spot to drop anchor" " Just beyond that rock outcropping Cpt." Roak pointed "The waters deep enough for both ships." "Aye that's fine for the Red's ship. But i want to get the Sourge a bit closer lad. How far can we get in?" After a quick check of his charts and confirming it with his spyglass Roak found a good spot "There Cpt. just beyond the shoal on the portside. There is a small dropoff that we can fit in AND still make a quick getaway if needed." " Good eye Roak. The Rampages guns should be able to cover us 'till we get to deeper waters." "Aye sir. Looks that way" "Turn Her about and drop anchor mates." Cpt Rattan orderd "then make ready the longboats we'll need to do some recon before sunset" After a moment "Roak i need you to do something for me." "What's that Cpt?" "During the raid i want you to help make sure the men stay on task. No useless pillaging and fighting. We'll need all the men focused on the task at hand if we are to run off with our lives and the loot!" "Aye Cpt i can do that" "I have already discussed this with Red and he agrees" "Of course. Seems a sound idea" Roak agreed "but just how do you wish me to make sure the men don't get distracted?" "Whatever works at the time lad. The men know the penalty for disobaying orders during a raid." "I see. So forfiting their shares would be the result." "Well yes! A man can't claim his share if he's dead!" Rattan exlaimed "I think not sir." "I need to meet with Red and plan out the raid. After you have seen to the recon join us on the Rampage" "Aye sir. I will" Roak replied

The rest of they day was spent securing the boat, launching the longboats, and doing a good recon of the shoreline. The Drow settlement was futher inland in the mountians so an attack now was not a threat. But Roak wanted to know the lay of the land in case the Drow pursued them back to their boats. In the evening Roak joined Cpt Red and Cpt Rattan on board the Rampage to give his report on the recon and offer any advice he might have for the raid.

The next evening the men camped on shore only 20 men remained behind to guard the boats. Thier job was not just security but to ensure the boats were ready to leave at a moments notice as well as stage the longboats to load the treasure.Roak wanted to spen as little time onshore as possible. In the morning the men set off into the forrest in the direction of the drow settlement. Six men drug the three sleds Ctp Rattan had orderd to be built to haul the loot back quicker and easier. It was noon when the men approached the settlement. There were a few huts and tents outside the main cave. Forges an eating area as well as a kitchen tent. There were also what seemed to be an archery and sword pen. The drow were not here now as they didn't like the sun so moving in and recon was very easy. The Men quickly moved into the cave complex and within minuites were overlooking the drow settlement. There seemed to be no activity save for a few senteries dozing off the closest were dispatched quickly via a few well placed arrows. When Cpt Rattan and Red placed thier men and were ready they both looked at each other and shouted simultanasly " CHARGE!!!!"

  		The order echoed off the walls and reverberatem through the cavern. The men drew swords and charged down the slope into the heart off the drow settlement screaming and yelling like mad  men. Very quickly the first few huts and tents were knocked to the ground leaving thier occupants burried in canvas wood and other materiel. A few drow managed to make it out into the battle but were quickly squared up and a few good blows sent them to the ground. The men were now entering tents and huts only long enough to send them toppling to the ground then exiting again to trade blows with other drow. The attack was going well for the moment but it seemed the element of surprise was wearing thin as drow were grouping together and begining to hold off the pirates.

"Don't let 'em group up men keep 'em seperated" Rattan yelled "You men over here!! Git around 'em! From behind!" Red orderd " Roak! Check the men! See to it they stay on task!" "Aye Sir" Roak look about, the attack was going rather well, then turned his attention behind and to the sides. The men were still moving in and out of huts and tents but only long enough to send them to the ground. Then he spotted three men enter a larger tent. Waiting for them to exit he heard sounds of yelling and battle from inside. Thinking the men had found a strong willed drow or two he rushed to assist. As Roak enterd the tent he swa three pirates swing swords at a large male drow armed only with staff and already wounded. Looking around he also noticed a female drow hiding in a corner as well as four dead drow. The male was backing off taking a defensive stance over the female as the pirates continued thier advance.

"Hold men! Stand down! Leave them go they are of no threat!" Roak ordered " Belay that mates! Stand to!" one shouted "STAND DOWN!" Roak yelled a bit louder this time" Go back and join the main asssult. Thats an order!" "Mr Roak there is more going on here than you think. We have our task." " Your task is not to waste time as per Cpt Rattan's orders. Now leave them alone and be gone or it'll be the plank for ya's." Just as Roak finished he saw the female drow make a quick move to a sword. Pulling his own sword he flipped the sword out of her reach. Just then two of the three pirates lunged at Roak. Roak spun around and parried the first sword the second just barely missing his left arm. Roak stepped back and drew his second sword attacking at the same time catching one pirate offguard and slicing his sword arm wide open. The second one squared with him and swung for his head. Roak ducked and tripped the man as the third began his advance. Roak dropped his left sword and pulled his pistol, aimed and shot the man dead square in the shoulder spinning him half around before he fell. The last man lunged once more sword first. Roak parried, sidesteped and swung the flat of his sword against the back of his skull knocking him too to the ground. Roak then faced the male drow who had fallen to the ground and the female was now hovering over him protectivly.

Roak raised his sword and holstered his pistol "You've nothing to fear from me young one, these men acted agin' orders." The drow cocking her head as if she understood. "I appologize for the actions of my men. They were not here for murder just the loot." Roak retrieved his sword and sheathed both of them. He them retrieved the swords of the three pirates and presented them to the drow hilt first. "These men disobayed orders it will be death for them if they return to the ship. I give thier lives to you. Do with them as you wish" Roak then stepped back after the drow snatched the swords from his hands turned held his breath and walked out fully expecting to feel the cold steel of a sword peirce his back. As he exited the tent and took a few steps he exhaled and paused just long enough to hear the female cursing at the men. He didnt understand what was said, but cursing is cursing in any language. Besides Roak could have heard her yells even if he was deaf. As he walked away the last sounds he heard were the tormented wails of his men. Perhaps he should have taken them with him and sent them off the plank, it might have been a quicker death then the ones they were about to undergo.

* * * *

Back at on shore the men were finishing loading the last of the treasure from 2 of the 3 sleds, not being enough to fill all 3 and loading into the longboats then onto the ships. Roak had the men load the Sea Scourge as it was closer planning to transfer some to the Rampage while at sea. The raid went well as the drow were easily defeated which seemed to be somewhat odd. Although they had lost quite a number of men it wasn't as bad as Roak thought it would go. However Cpt. Rattan was killed during the retreat leaving a very suprised Roak in charge. Not that he wasn't up to the task, just not what he had in mind. He was looking foward to taking charge of the Rampage. But the Scourge would work just as well, for now anyway. The men on the Scourge seemed to accept him as Cpt for now. What will become of the Rampage still was unsure as Cpt Red was deffinatly going to retire after this haul.

"You men, carefull not to overload the boat, and keep it even. We don't want to capsize her" Roak instructed. "Tell the men on board ship to stow it evenly as well. Her keel'll be deep enough in the water as it is. We don't need the extra trouble with navigation to boot." "You sure she'll not bottom out sir?" the new first mate asked "She is in shallow waters" "I think she'll be just fine till we get futher out. Just the same though keep a close eye on the hull boards. Make sure she's still sittin' even like. If she starts to tilt we'll have to load the rest on the Rampage, but that will take extra time. Time i am not sure we have." "Aye Sir I'll keep an eye" the mate replied

About 30 minutes later the loading was done. The Sea Scourge was sitting well lower in the water than normal. Not that she was in any danger of sinking, Roak was concerned about dragging the keel in the mud bottom and damaging it. If it was damaged to bad they would have to beach the Scourge to repair it. Something nobody wanted to do as it meant at least a month before they could raid again. The Sea Scourge lumbered along the shallows into deeper waters along side the Rampage who's cannons were loaded and ready to fire. Still there was no sight of the Drow. This is damn odd! Why aren't they pursuing us? We didn't deal them that bad of a blow. And why did it seem so easy to get this loot from them? They barely put up a fight. Perhaps the Drow aren't the fierce warriors roumor has them to be. But perhaps it is something else.

"Cpt! Man on shore!" the watch called Roak snapped out of his thoughts" How many?" he yelled "Just one Sir" the watch looked again" yup, just one" "Hand me my sight glass" Roak ordered. The First Mate produced it and Roak sighted in on the figure. What he saw nearly caused him to drop the sight glass into the waters. That's Nedriia!! The Drow who gave us the charts and set this whole thing up! What the hell was she doing here? Roak regained his composure " It's just one Drow. i don't see any others. Perhaps a scout. Good thing we got off that beach when we did." then after a moment "Send word to the Rampage, we'll lose sight of the beach and be well out to sea before we transfer any loot. Make ready the main sail and set full cloth. Raise the bow sail as well." Roak had a bad feeling that they had just been used to someone else's means. Maybe that's what those three were doing in that tent. But just what was thier business there?

The two ships sailed through the night putting the Drow as far to thier rudder as possible. The Sea Scourge normaly the faster ship was having difficulty keeping up with the Rampage with her heavy load but she never lost sight of the Rampage. At first light the two ships slowed and manuvered alongside of each other and by the time the sun was full up the ships were secured and ready to transfer some of the Sea Scourge's heavy load to the Rampage. "Carefull men we don't wanna lose any here. It's a long way to the bottom for the man who drops any!" Roak said lightheartedly. The men were in high spirits even if it was going to take some back breaking work to transfer the treasure, especialy on the open sea.

From the deck of the Rampage a crewman yelled "Cpt. Roak, Cpt Red requests you and yer First Mate to meet him in the Cpt's quarters here." "Aye! Tell 'im we'll be there shortly" Roak responded "Aye Sir!" the crewman then disapeared off the deck no dought to inform Cpt Red "Bowsman, take charge of the transfer." Roak directed "Take yer time if, any be dropped it'll come from yer shares." "Aye, aye Cpt!" "Mr. Cash, yer with me" Roak then headed to his Quarters to exchange some items then to Cpt Red's quarters. Thomas Cash was the one of the senior crew members and had the support of the crew. He probably would be Cpt now if Roak hadn't taken on the First Mate job a few weeks ago. Still something about his personality told Roak he really didn't want to be Cpt. Still he kept a keen eye on him anyway.

As Roak and Thomas approached Cpt Red's quarters they saw the doors open so with a quick knock they walked in. Cpt Red was sitting at the center table with Bailey, the new First Mate. Roak never asked the mans first name he wasn't sure he even had a first name it was just always Bailey, well Mr Bailey now. "Ah, Cpt Roak i presume."as he bowed to Mr. Cash, "Pleased to make your aquaintence at last. I am Cpt Red, The Retireing, this is my First Mate, Mr. Bailey." Cpt Red over-exaggerated the greeting as well as he did the courtly arm waving and bows, all with the biggest smile Roak had ever seen on the man. "Cpt Red, Mr. Bailey," Roak said bowing to each "I, am Cpt Roak,"inflecting his voice on the forst word "this is my First Mate, Mr. Thomas Cash" Roak announced waving towards Thomas with a pompous flair smiling the whole time. "You scurvey slimey sea dog you" Red offerd his hand. " Congragulations on yer promotion. Though it be coming after sucha loss, Rattan was a good man. God rest his soul" Roak shook his hand and agreed. "Now down to business man. As you know i'll not be returning to the Rampage after we set to port. So she'll need a new Cpt. Bailey here is up to the task, but, we took a vote last night and the men still want you if you'll take the position." Red paused. "So, what say you?" Roak had been giving this some considerable thought ever since Rattan was killed. He knew the men on the Rampage would have him as Cpt, but he didn't want to just walk out on the men of the Sea Scourge. " Of corse i would be honored to be the Cot of the Rampage, she's a fine ship, buti can't walk out on the Scourge." "I figured you'd say something like that. So i has a backup plan. How this be to yer liking? You Cpt. The Rampage and The Scourge with Bailey and Thomas is it?" Thomas nodded in agreement "as yer First Mates on each ship." Red paused for a few moments to let Roak assimalate that then before he could respond he added " think of it, with the Scourge's speed and the Rampage's guns and your keen tactical knowledge you'd be all but unstoppable man!" Roak thought on it a minuite. He had actualy thought of that but dismissed it right away as just wishful thinking "Mr. Cash?" Roak asked "what say you to this? You think the men on the Scourge will go for it?" "Aye. I don't see why not. It makes perfect sence and Red's right we would be force to be reconed with to be sure." "Well then, the next port we leave will see The Rampage and the Sea Scourge under one Cpt!" Roak announced "Commador you mean man" Red replied "No, Cpt. Just Cpt"