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Roast Heraldry.png
Roast's heraldry
Chapter Raven's Nest
Kingdom Polaris
Started 2015
Company Einherjar

Roast, of Raven's Nest of the Kingdom of Polaris

"And that's when the fun began" -Roast


Roast joined the Principality of Polaris at Dungeon Day 2015. He along with a group of other adventurers were approached while relaxing, drinking, and dining in a branch of the North Star Lodge by a member of the Prince Broton's guard who explained that while traveling through the Under Dark the Prince had been captured by an evil priestess of the Drow. Roast and band of fellow adventurers took off at once into the Under Dark hiring a guide to lead them through the dungeon. The band was set upon early and fought many hard battles, but in the end it was another group of brave adventurers who in the end saved and rescued the Prince.

Upon the field of battle during MAME 2015, Roast fought on the side of Prince Broton for the barbarian horde against the invading roman legions led by Sir Micah Helstaven. During the battle between the free peoples of the Principality of Polaris and the invading roman legions it was revealed that a dark power had been unleashed during the events of Dungeon Day earlier in the year when the evil priestess was slain. This dark power had raised an army of undead and had hidden them within the armies of both the barbarian horde and the roman legions. The remaining true members of the barbarians and the romans joined together under a combined banner of Prince Broton and Sir Micah to repel and defeat the army of undead. At the end of the day the undead army and the dark power that had raised them was defeated and the peoples of Polaris, both barbarian and roman alike joined in celebration, late into the night. It was during this celebration that Roast began petitioning The Einherjar.

Having joined the traveling party of Prince Broton to GAC:Rise of the Nightmare Lord, the party initially made use of his wagon. Unfortunately, not soon after setting out the horses pulling Roast's Wagon went wild and ran the wagon into another wagon in the caravan rendering it useless. Upon procuring a temporary wagon while Roast's was under repair, the party was able to continue and eventually arrive at the battlefield. Traveling through the woods with other members of Einherjar Roast and his fellows were able to recover an impressive number of medallions from the cultists inhabiting the woods, but alas another party was able to recover even more. The rest of the event passed in a blur of merriment and work assisting the Prince Broton in preparing for court. During court as Prince Broton was stepping down, the sun turned a strange hue and the earth starting shaking violently. Suddenly, Prince Broton was attacked and held hostage by some inmates along with a man and women dressed as court jesters. A concerned citizen tried to intervene, but was slammed through a table and almost set on fire, but at the last moment a man wearing all black and a mask with the visage of a bat appeared and drove off the villains. The man removed his mask, introducing himself as Bruce Wayne and expressed to all those gathered that those in attendance had been transported to another world. In the coming days, as the rage over their predicament grew Roast and several other members of The Einherjar felt a strange power growing within them. They were soon visited by an unknown entity and presented with Red Lantern Rings and inducted into the halls of the Red Lanterns.

During Polaris' Mid Reign festival two armies, comprised of heroes and villains fought in numerous battles. It culminated in a battle within the vary walls of Arkham Asylum where the villains had captures and were holding hostage Superman. While the force of heroes tried valiantly to free Superman, in the end they were unable. However, they were able to capture and hold hostage The Joker, and when the force villains left Arkham to free him, the villains sneaked in and fortified themselves within Arkham's walls. Upon realizing they had been duped the villains turned around and began to assault the Asylum's walls. Having been inside themselves just moments before they were able to make use of their knowledge and skills and breached numerous walls to gain entry to Arkham and succeeded in freeing The Joker. Later that night, while attending Bruce Wayne's charity galla, Polaris' watched as The Joker tried to interupt the proceedings and was soundly beaten and drug off by Robin, but not before a concerned citizen was once again placed in danger and had a mysterious liquid poured upon him from above by Harley Quin.

At Dungeon Day 2016, The Joker managed to escape his cell from within Arkham's walls and took over the asylum for his own purposes. Roast and a band of adventurers were hired by LutherCorp to gain entrance to the asylum and recapture The Joker and return him to his cell. The party fought their way through numerous escaped villains and barely escaped a number of traps, but, just when it seems that victory was within their grasp and The Joker would be theirs, The Joker appeared an a TV, complimented Roast and his party on killing all of the maintenance and medical staff, but informed them that they would not be able to capture him and detonated a bomb destroying Arkham. Barely escaping with their lives Roast and his party made it back to the city. It so happens that all of the Polaris' citizens had grown tired of this realm, and had been working on a great magic portal together, to bring them back to their rightful homes. As a single body, all of the people of Polaris' stepped through the portal...and appeared inside of a square...something. Surrounded on all sides by screaming people holding signs. The square was enclosed with three ropes each higher than the last forming a, cage of sorts around the square. The last thing that Roast heard was a man yelling, several times louder than should be possible "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!".

Affiliated Groups

  • Einherjar-Soldier
  • North Star Lodge - Member
  • The Forge of Polaris - Member

Notable Accomplishments

  • Awarded the Order of Orion at MAME 2015
  • Awarded title of Brewmaster of Polaris at GAC 2015
  • Awarded Hellrider at Polaris Mid Reign, October 2015, for still making it to GAC after almost totaling his car

Officer Positions

  • Orkicon2.gif