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===Character History===
===Character History===
I was born in the kingdom known as Rising Winds. I was born in an unknown area called Elfglade Forest.On the night I was born she was placed in a crib at her fathers side, watching as he weaved spells right before her very eyes. She cooed and giggled as he told her this was her destiny to become a powerful warrior and spellcaster. Suddenly the orc king known as Wrathe crashed through the windows of our room and attacked my father. I watched as my father fought him unarmed and unprepared but allas he did not last long. My mother was weak from my birthing but she fought like a true night elf warrior. She went without screams of pain and suffering. She died strong and brave. A dragon named Taimet crashed in but she was too late. She tore King Wrathe limb from limb nonetheless. My nursemaid and my personal guard were next to enter the room. She picked me up and handed me off to Taimet. Taimet carried me off to a place unknown. I lived the next seventeen years as an unruling heir to the throne. When I came of age at seventeen years old I decided to leave my secret catle nestled in Elfglade Forest. I returned to my original hame to find it had been destroyed by Wrathe's Horde. I scavenged through the wreckage and luckily found my mother's sword and my father's spellbooks. I carefully strapped them to taimet's back and we returned to my temporary home. I informed my gaurd that we would be leaving in two days time. My commander of the gaurd known as Rakish understood my need to follow my destiny and agreed we would travel to Autumn Grove. We prepared ourselves for the journey and left Elfglade Forest on the morn of the second day. We travelled to a city known as Glenwood and decided to rest for the night just outside of the city. I then carried on into the city so I could peruse some of the shops for supplies, while my gaurd stayed behind. I travelled with my trusted companions Taimet and my war panther Malya. Taimet flew up above since the streets were too narrow for her. Malya walked by my side. We stopped at many shops that night but there was one in particular that was very special to me. That night I stopped into an apothecary and met a woman named Leena. Her eyes lit up as she saw me enter but I was wary of her. She rushed at me and I drew my sword. She halted and begged for forgiveness from her princess. I asked "why do you call me your princess". She replied "I was your nursemaid the night your parents were murdered and the castle was destroyed". I was shocked. I had finally found a connection to my past other than Taimet and Malya. I sheathed my sword and allowed her to hug me as she would have if I had not drawn it in the first place. I felt a connection with her. We talked till early morn. I asked her if she would like to join me in my quest to find Autumn Grove. She agreed and packed her things. She then introduced me to her war panther named Mur. Mur and Malya greeted each other by touching foreheads. We headed back to my camp to alert my gaurd of our new company. I then told Taimet to land behind Leena in hopes of surprising her, but it didn't work out that way. Taimet landed softly and then roared. Leena and Mur turned very slowly and laughed. She had expected nothing less than a dragon. I had been out menuvered by her. She and her panther advanced on Taimet, sizing her up. Leena applauded at the strength and prowess of my dragon. I then introduced Leena and Mur to Rakish. They conversed for some time before we set out on our journey once more. We traveled day and night. Finally when a span of six and a half days went by we reached Autumn Grove.
I was born in the kingdom known as Rising Winds. I was born in an unknown area called Elfglade Forest.On the night I was born she was placed in a crib at her fathers side, watching as he weaved spells right before her very eyes. She cooed and giggled as he told her this was her destiny to become a powerful warrior and spellcaster. Suddenly the orc king known as Wrathe crashed through the windows of our room and attacked my father. I watched as my father fought him unarmed and unprepared but allas he did not last long. My mother was weak from my birthing but she fought like a true night elf warrior. She went without screams of pain and suffering. She died strong and brave. A dragon named Taimet crashed in but she was too late. She tore King Wrathe limb from limb nonetheless. My nursemaid and my personal guard were next to enter the room. She picked me up and handed me off to Taimet. Taimet carried me off to a place unknown. I lived the next seventeen years as an unruling heir to the throne. When I came of age at seventeen years old I decided to leave my secret catle nestled in Elfglade Forest. I returned to my original hame to find it had been destroyed by Wrathe's Horde. I scavenged through the wreckage and luckily found my mother's sword and my father's spellbooks. I carefully strapped them to taimet's back and we returned to my temporary home. I informed my gaurd that we would be leaving in two days time. My commander of the gaurd known as Rakish understood my need to follow my destiny and agreed we would travel to Autumn Grove. We prepared ourselves for the journey and left Elfglade Forest on the morn of the second day. We travelled to a city known as Glenwood and decided to rest for the night just outside of the city. I then carried on into the city so I could peruse some of the shops for supplies, while my gaurd stayed behind. I travelled with my trusted companions Taimet and my war panther Malya. Taimet flew up above since the streets were too narrow for her. Malya walked by my side. We stopped at many shops that night but there was one in particular that was very special to me. That night I stopped into an apothecary and met a woman named Leena. Her eyes lit up as she saw me enter but I was wary of her. She rushed at me and I drew my sword. She halted and begged for forgiveness from her princess. I asked "why do you call me your princess". She replied "I was your nursemaid the night your parents were murdered and the castle was destroyed". I was shocked. I had finally found a connection to my past other than Taimet and Malya. I sheathed my sword and allowed her to hug me as she would have if I had not drawn it in the first place. I felt a connection with her. We talked till early morn. I asked her if she would like to join me in my quest to find Autumn Grove. She agreed and packed her things. She then introduced me to her war panther named Mur. Mur and Malya greeted each other by touching foreheads. We headed back to my camp to alert my gaurd of our new company. I then told Taimet to land behind Leena in hopes of surprising her, but it didn't work out that way. Taimet landed softly and then roared. Leena and Mur turned very slowly and laughed. She had expected nothing less than a dragon. I had been out menuvered by her. She and her panther advanced on Taimet, sizing her up. Leena applauded at the strength and prowess of my dragon. I then introduced Leena and Mur to Rakish. They conversed for some time before we set out on our journey once more. We traveled day and night. Finally when a span of six and a half days went by we reached Autumn Grove. When we arrived at Autumn Grove we were greeted by many people. First I met Lady Teach and Commander Axel. Leena and I were then taken to our room where we were allowed to rest for awhile. Taimet was waiting outside of our windows on a dragon landing. I climbed upon her back and we took flight over the practice battlefield. We landed in the middle of a group of fighters. They all backed away in fear. i stood and jumped performing a frontflip off of Taimets back. We introduced ourselves even though they knew who we were. We were greeted warmly and respectfully. Lady Teach presented me with a personal servant that day, her name was Alyra. She's a very smart and outgoing young lady, and I enjoy her company very much. That day I also met Crimson and Sage Raven Firestrike, Kayden Lee Loomis, Willy Makeit, and Target. I invited Alyra to ride back to the catle with me on Malya. She accepted and off we were. At first she clung tightly to me while I rode gracefully clinging with only the strenth of my legs. I entered her thoughts and told her to trust us. She loosened her grip. I yelled in her mind"let go"! She immediately dropped her hands to her sides and then yelled out in excitement. We made it back to the castle unharmed and returned to my rooms. She left and returned quickly with food and drink. I ate very little and decided to allow her to eat what I had left. She looked at me in confusion. I urged her to eat since she looked weak from hunger. As she leaned over the table to take my plate I noticed a glimmer of purple. I grabbed her arm and demmanded her to show me what she had hidden from me. She shyly took it from around her neck and handed it to me. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. I wanted the truth from Leena and I wanted it then and there. I took her by the arm and made her climb onto Taimet. She was terrified but neither I or Taimet would let her flee. I climbed on behind her and held her in place. She screamed as we dove from the landing. It took us minutes to find Leena. Taimet landed directly in front of her, and I screamed "tell me the truth"!
She asked me "what do u mean"? "What does this look like to you"? I asked. "Oh have mercy on me dear Princess"! she said. I made her tell me the story. I forced Alyra to stand beside me as Taimet loomed over her. Leena told me that Alyra was born not more than two years after I and that she was given away to protect her from assassins. I turned to Alyra and said "sister"? All of a sudden a giant purple dragon with a war panther riding on its back dropped from the sky. As I had expected she too had the royal familiars. Taimet turned and galloped to meet them and I was informed that they were also sisters. I asked Alyra to kneel before me. She did as asked and I placed her medallion once again around her neck where it rightfully belonged. She stood and hugged me with tears pouring from her eyes and said "sister,save me from this life". Our company rushed to meet with Lady Teach. I barged into her tents not caring who I disturbed in the process. She turned in shock and I demmanded that she release my sister from her service. She asked "sister"? "Yes" I said. "Ofcourse Princess she is yours in freedom" she said. I then explained how all night elf princes and princesses when they are born are given a medallion in the color of their dragon. Alyra and I left the tent together. I then found I was hearing an unknown voice in my head. "Hello little one" it said. "Who are you" I asked? "I am Tetra,Alyra's dragon" she said. Alyra and I climbed onto Taimet and flew to e secluded glen not far off from Autumn Grove with Tetra flying by our side. I helped her down from my dragon's back. She collapsed in my arms. Tetra nudged her with her nose to wake her. Her eyes fluttered and then opened wide. We both sat in silence for the rest of that day. That night Alyra and I flew for the first time as sisters in blood should. She lay flat against Tetra's back as we flew back to Autumn Grove. Rakish had already been alerted that there was a new member of the family and met us back at the castle. He slid Alyra off of Tetra and carried her to out rooms. He layed her down in my bed and wished me well. That night as I lay in bed next to my newfound sibling I cried for the first time in many years. I had found someone like me at last! The next morning Alyra and I flew down to the battlefield. We were met not only by Commander Axel but also High Commander Rafn Macbane. I staggered in awe as I caught my first glimpse of Rafn. he looked just like my father did on the night he killed. I saw a green aura around him just as I did when my father weaved his spells around me that fateful night. A single tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I did not sleep well that night. The next morning I woke to find Alyra next to my side still. I woke her and asked her to follow me. I took her to the food court and we grabbed a loaf of bread and some ale. We quickly carried on to the armory. I had happened to bring a set of extra male and female elven armor with me. I helped her into a pair of greaves, bracers, pauldrons, and a breastplate. I also handed her a helm. I was already in my armor. I handed her a sword and she looked at my questioningly. I told her she must learn to fight. We carried onto the battlefield and I took both her and my sword and magically dulled them. I explained the basics of hand to hand combat and we began to duel. She did very well for never fighting before. We were then interupted by Commander Axel. He asked if he could duel with me. I obliged his request. As we were fighting I noticed something I had never noticed before. This object distracted me and I was knocked to my knees. He quickly came to my aid and I grabbed the medallion. I turned and revealed it to Alyra. She gasped in shock yet again. I turned back to him again and revealed my medallion to him. He looked at us in confusion. "Your our brother" I said. "It can't be" he said. "This medallion makes you a night elf prince" I said to him. He asked me why he had not known of this and I told him that he was probably given away to protect him just as Alyra had been. The three of us walked back to the castle and found a black dragon and yet another war panther awaiting our return. They advanced on us as we halted reverence. the dragon announced that his name was Teran and the panther told us his name was Dorcha.
===Affiliated Groups===
===Affiliated Groups===
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===Notable Accomplishments===
===Notable Accomplishments===
1st and 2nd Order of the Rose
1st Order of the Garber
1st Order of the Warrior
Founded the fighting company known as Elfglade's Defense
Founded the fighting company known as Elfglade's Defense
====More Information====
====More Information====
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*[http://www.amtgardrecords.com/player.php?playerID=34315 ORK]
[[category:Autumn Grove People]] [[Category:Freehold People]]
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[[category: Rising Winds People]]
[[category: Autumn Grove People]]

Latest revision as of 13:43, 11 April 2011

Marishka Elfglade, of Autumn Grove a Shire of Rising Winds

Insert a quote in this spot


She was brought to the park by Dren and has really jumped right into it. She is working on, and has made, a few tunics, wrap-around pants, some court garb, and a few swords.

Character History

I was born in the kingdom known as Rising Winds. I was born in an unknown area called Elfglade Forest.On the night I was born she was placed in a crib at her fathers side, watching as he weaved spells right before her very eyes. She cooed and giggled as he told her this was her destiny to become a powerful warrior and spellcaster. Suddenly the orc king known as Wrathe crashed through the windows of our room and attacked my father. I watched as my father fought him unarmed and unprepared but allas he did not last long. My mother was weak from my birthing but she fought like a true night elf warrior. She went without screams of pain and suffering. She died strong and brave. A dragon named Taimet crashed in but she was too late. She tore King Wrathe limb from limb nonetheless. My nursemaid and my personal guard were next to enter the room. She picked me up and handed me off to Taimet. Taimet carried me off to a place unknown. I lived the next seventeen years as an unruling heir to the throne. When I came of age at seventeen years old I decided to leave my secret catle nestled in Elfglade Forest. I returned to my original hame to find it had been destroyed by Wrathe's Horde. I scavenged through the wreckage and luckily found my mother's sword and my father's spellbooks. I carefully strapped them to taimet's back and we returned to my temporary home. I informed my gaurd that we would be leaving in two days time. My commander of the gaurd known as Rakish understood my need to follow my destiny and agreed we would travel to Autumn Grove. We prepared ourselves for the journey and left Elfglade Forest on the morn of the second day. We travelled to a city known as Glenwood and decided to rest for the night just outside of the city. I then carried on into the city so I could peruse some of the shops for supplies, while my gaurd stayed behind. I travelled with my trusted companions Taimet and my war panther Malya. Taimet flew up above since the streets were too narrow for her. Malya walked by my side. We stopped at many shops that night but there was one in particular that was very special to me. That night I stopped into an apothecary and met a woman named Leena. Her eyes lit up as she saw me enter but I was wary of her. She rushed at me and I drew my sword. She halted and begged for forgiveness from her princess. I asked "why do you call me your princess". She replied "I was your nursemaid the night your parents were murdered and the castle was destroyed". I was shocked. I had finally found a connection to my past other than Taimet and Malya. I sheathed my sword and allowed her to hug me as she would have if I had not drawn it in the first place. I felt a connection with her. We talked till early morn. I asked her if she would like to join me in my quest to find Autumn Grove. She agreed and packed her things. She then introduced me to her war panther named Mur. Mur and Malya greeted each other by touching foreheads. We headed back to my camp to alert my gaurd of our new company. I then told Taimet to land behind Leena in hopes of surprising her, but it didn't work out that way. Taimet landed softly and then roared. Leena and Mur turned very slowly and laughed. She had expected nothing less than a dragon. I had been out menuvered by her. She and her panther advanced on Taimet, sizing her up. Leena applauded at the strength and prowess of my dragon. I then introduced Leena and Mur to Rakish. They conversed for some time before we set out on our journey once more. We traveled day and night. Finally when a span of six and a half days went by we reached Autumn Grove. When we arrived at Autumn Grove we were greeted by many people. First I met Lady Teach and Commander Axel. Leena and I were then taken to our room where we were allowed to rest for awhile. Taimet was waiting outside of our windows on a dragon landing. I climbed upon her back and we took flight over the practice battlefield. We landed in the middle of a group of fighters. They all backed away in fear. i stood and jumped performing a frontflip off of Taimets back. We introduced ourselves even though they knew who we were. We were greeted warmly and respectfully. Lady Teach presented me with a personal servant that day, her name was Alyra. She's a very smart and outgoing young lady, and I enjoy her company very much. That day I also met Crimson and Sage Raven Firestrike, Kayden Lee Loomis, Willy Makeit, and Target. I invited Alyra to ride back to the catle with me on Malya. She accepted and off we were. At first she clung tightly to me while I rode gracefully clinging with only the strenth of my legs. I entered her thoughts and told her to trust us. She loosened her grip. I yelled in her mind"let go"! She immediately dropped her hands to her sides and then yelled out in excitement. We made it back to the castle unharmed and returned to my rooms. She left and returned quickly with food and drink. I ate very little and decided to allow her to eat what I had left. She looked at me in confusion. I urged her to eat since she looked weak from hunger. As she leaned over the table to take my plate I noticed a glimmer of purple. I grabbed her arm and demmanded her to show me what she had hidden from me. She shyly took it from around her neck and handed it to me. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. I wanted the truth from Leena and I wanted it then and there. I took her by the arm and made her climb onto Taimet. She was terrified but neither I or Taimet would let her flee. I climbed on behind her and held her in place. She screamed as we dove from the landing. It took us minutes to find Leena. Taimet landed directly in front of her, and I screamed "tell me the truth"! She asked me "what do u mean"? "What does this look like to you"? I asked. "Oh have mercy on me dear Princess"! she said. I made her tell me the story. I forced Alyra to stand beside me as Taimet loomed over her. Leena told me that Alyra was born not more than two years after I and that she was given away to protect her from assassins. I turned to Alyra and said "sister"? All of a sudden a giant purple dragon with a war panther riding on its back dropped from the sky. As I had expected she too had the royal familiars. Taimet turned and galloped to meet them and I was informed that they were also sisters. I asked Alyra to kneel before me. She did as asked and I placed her medallion once again around her neck where it rightfully belonged. She stood and hugged me with tears pouring from her eyes and said "sister,save me from this life". Our company rushed to meet with Lady Teach. I barged into her tents not caring who I disturbed in the process. She turned in shock and I demmanded that she release my sister from her service. She asked "sister"? "Yes" I said. "Ofcourse Princess she is yours in freedom" she said. I then explained how all night elf princes and princesses when they are born are given a medallion in the color of their dragon. Alyra and I left the tent together. I then found I was hearing an unknown voice in my head. "Hello little one" it said. "Who are you" I asked? "I am Tetra,Alyra's dragon" she said. Alyra and I climbed onto Taimet and flew to e secluded glen not far off from Autumn Grove with Tetra flying by our side. I helped her down from my dragon's back. She collapsed in my arms. Tetra nudged her with her nose to wake her. Her eyes fluttered and then opened wide. We both sat in silence for the rest of that day. That night Alyra and I flew for the first time as sisters in blood should. She lay flat against Tetra's back as we flew back to Autumn Grove. Rakish had already been alerted that there was a new member of the family and met us back at the castle. He slid Alyra off of Tetra and carried her to out rooms. He layed her down in my bed and wished me well. That night as I lay in bed next to my newfound sibling I cried for the first time in many years. I had found someone like me at last! The next morning Alyra and I flew down to the battlefield. We were met not only by Commander Axel but also High Commander Rafn Macbane. I staggered in awe as I caught my first glimpse of Rafn. he looked just like my father did on the night he killed. I saw a green aura around him just as I did when my father weaved his spells around me that fateful night. A single tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I did not sleep well that night. The next morning I woke to find Alyra next to my side still. I woke her and asked her to follow me. I took her to the food court and we grabbed a loaf of bread and some ale. We quickly carried on to the armory. I had happened to bring a set of extra male and female elven armor with me. I helped her into a pair of greaves, bracers, pauldrons, and a breastplate. I also handed her a helm. I was already in my armor. I handed her a sword and she looked at my questioningly. I told her she must learn to fight. We carried onto the battlefield and I took both her and my sword and magically dulled them. I explained the basics of hand to hand combat and we began to duel. She did very well for never fighting before. We were then interupted by Commander Axel. He asked if he could duel with me. I obliged his request. As we were fighting I noticed something I had never noticed before. This object distracted me and I was knocked to my knees. He quickly came to my aid and I grabbed the medallion. I turned and revealed it to Alyra. She gasped in shock yet again. I turned back to him again and revealed my medallion to him. He looked at us in confusion. "Your our brother" I said. "It can't be" he said. "This medallion makes you a night elf prince" I said to him. He asked me why he had not known of this and I told him that he was probably given away to protect him just as Alyra had been. The three of us walked back to the castle and found a black dragon and yet another war panther awaiting our return. They advanced on us as we halted reverence. the dragon announced that his name was Teran and the panther told us his name was Dorcha.

Affiliated Groups

Elfglade's Defense

Notable Accomplishments

Founded the fighting company known as Elfglade's Defense

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif