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The Sith Order is a sect within [[Amtgard]]; often characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they are willing to use in order to acquire it. The Sith blend aspects of both [[Stick Jock]]s and [[Flurb]]s, and refer to [[Amtgard Magic]] as the Force. To join the Sith Order, one must be apprenticed to a Sith Master. All Sith must have red covers on their swords.
''The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish. ―Darth Revan''
The Sith Order is a sect within the [[LARP]] of [[Amtgard]]; often characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they are willing to use in order to acquire it. The Sith blend aspects of both [[Stick Jock]]s and [[Flurb]]s, and refer to [[Amtgard Magic]] as the Force. To join the Sith Order, one must be apprenticed to a Sith Master. Most Sith use red covers on their swords.
''"Equality is a lie…A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.''
''"Equality is a lie…A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.''
''Equality is a perversion of the natural order!…It binds the strong to the weak. They [the weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.''
''Equality is a perversion of the natural order…It binds the strong to the weak. They [the weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.''
''Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt." ―Darth Bane''
''Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt." ―Darth Bane''
Sith philosophy emphasized conflict. The Sith believed that it empowered both individuals and civilizations by forcing them to change, grow, and evolve. Conflict ensured that only the strong would survive, thus leading the Sith down the path to perfection. Individuals only deserved what they were strong enough to take and those too weak to protect themselves were fair game.  
Sith philosophy emphasized conflict. The Sith believed that it empowered both individuals and civilizations by forcing them to change, grow, and evolve. Conflict ensured that only the strong would survive, thus leading the Sith down the path to perfection. Individuals only deserved what they were strong enough to take and those too weak to protect themselves were fair game.  
The pacifistic teachings of the Jedi were viewed as obstructions to progress; lack of conflict led only to stagnation and decline. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.  
The pacifistic teachings of the Jedi were viewed as obstructions to progress; lack of conflict led only to stagnation and decline. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.  
''"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." ―Darth Maul''
''"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." ―Darth Maul''
The core of a Sith's power comes from emotion. The Jedi taught that fear and anger were negative emotions that must be overcome, but the Sith understand that every living creature was subject to such passions. They believe in harnessing rather than suppressing these natural urges. The Sith do not endeavor to place themselves beyond passions as the Jedi did – on the contrary, they believed that emotion was required in order to attain a holistic understanding of the Force.  
The core of a Sith's power comes from emotion. The Jedi taught that fear and anger were negative emotions that must be overcome, but the Sith understand that every living creature was subject to such passions. They believe in harnessing rather than suppressing these natural urges. The Sith do not endeavor to place themselves beyond passions as the Jedi did – on the contrary, they believed that emotion was required in order to attain a holistic understanding of the Force.  
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However, not all emotions were embraced by the Sith. They, like the Jedi, considered 'love' a dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. The Jedi discouraged love because it led to attachment, but the Sith taught that love led to mercy, which was anathema to them.
However, not all emotions were embraced by the Sith. They, like the Jedi, considered 'love' a dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. The Jedi discouraged love because it led to attachment, but the Sith taught that love led to mercy, which was anathema to them.
==The Code of the Sith==
==The Sith Code==
''"I am not a man of words. But I respect the power of words, for that is what transformed me. The words of the Sith Code." ―Darth Bane''
''"I am not a man of words. But I respect the power of words, for that is what transformed me. The words of the Sith Code." ―Darth Bane''
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'''The Force shall free me.'''
'''The Force shall free me.'''
==The Rule of Two==
=The Rule of Two=
''"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power; the other to crave it." ―Darth Bane''
''"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power; the other to crave it." ―Darth Bane''
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To ensure the continued survival of the Sith Order, the rule of two is upheld. The rule of the two institutes that a master trains an apprentice. Once the apprentice was fully trained, he would kill the master and take on the mantle himself and repeat the process. The death of the master is either a ceremonial killing or an assassination.  
To ensure the continued survival of the Sith Order, the rule of two is upheld. The rule of the two institutes that a master trains an apprentice. Once the apprentice was fully trained, he would kill the master and take on the mantle himself and repeat the process. The death of the master is either a ceremonial killing or an assassination.  
===Sith Master===
'''Sith Master'''
''"It is natural for him to want to destroy me. It is not crude mundane ambition, as it would be in an ordinary man; it is part of his growth. And of course it does not offend me—it is why I chose him. But he needs to grow still further." Darth Sidious''
''"It is natural for him to want to destroy me. It is not crude mundane ambition, as it would be in an ordinary man; it is part of his growth. And of course it does not offend me—it is why I chose him. But he needs to grow still further." ―Emperor Palpatine, on his apprentice, Darth Vader''
Sith Masters are Sith that have an apprentice serving beneath them.  
Sith Masters are Sith that have an apprentice serving beneath them.  
===Sith Apprentice===
'''Sith Apprentice'''  
''I pledge myself to your teachings, to the ways of the Sith.''
''"I am sending you my apprentice, Darth Vader. He will... take care of you." - Darth Sideous to Separatists''
''Good…Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Anakin Skywalker, you are one with the Order of the Sith Lords. Henceforth, you shall be known as…Darth…Vader. ― Darth Vader and Darth Sidious''
Sith Apprentices are Sith neophytes that are studying under the tutelage of a Sith Master.
Sith Apprentices are Sith neophytes that are studying under the tutelage of a Sith Master.
''"She will be more than a match for young Skywalker."''
''"She will be more than a match for young Skywalker."''
''"It matters not. She is merely an instrument to bring forth the eradication of the Jedi." - Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious, on Asajj Ventress''
''"It matters not. She is merely an instrument to bring forth the eradication of the Jedi." - Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious''
Adepts are not technically Sith. They are chosen and honed by the Sith Apprentice. Essentially, adepts are candidates to replace the Apprentice if he or she is killed or ascends to mastery.
Adepts are not technically Sith; nor are they trained in the secrets of the Sith. They were often Dark Jedi chosen and honed by the Sith Apprentice. Essentially, adepts are candidates to replace the Apprentice if he or she is killed or ascends to mastery.
==Trials of the Sith==
=Trials of the Sith=
The trials of the Sith are for members of the Sith Order to undertake as they approach [[Knighthood]]. A Sith who attains a [[Knighthood]] takes the title "Darth" instead of "[[Sir]]".
The Trials of the Sith are an opposing reflection of the "Trails of the Jedi", and are for members of the Sith Order to undertake as they approach [[Knighthood]]. A Sith who attains a [[Knighthood]] takes the title "Darth" instead of "[[Sir]]".
When the Apprentice is nearly eligibility for [[Knighthood]], the Master assigns 4 trials, which they must complete alone to prove themselves a Sith Lord.
When the Apprentice is nearly eligible for [[Knighthood]], the Master assigns these trials which they must complete alone.
===Trial of Skill===
'''Trial of the Spirit'''
''"I want you to strike at the heart of Black Sun. It is a vast criminal syndicate . . . its influence felt on every planet from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Black Sun has existed for hundreds of years, and embedded itself in the very fiber of the galaxy. The resources at its disposal are almost limitless. The soldiers under its command number in the tens of thousands. The ignorant even call it the most powerful force in the known universe. Do you understand what I ask of you? You will be one being against a galaxy-spanning organization,"''
''"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…" ―Darth Plagueis''
''"Do you wish Black Sun destroyed utterly?" ―Darth Sidious and Darth Maul''
To pass the Trial of the Spirit, the Sith would have to look deep within themselves, and prove that they are dedicated to the Dark Side of the Force, to cultivating their skills and abilities above all else.
To pass the Trial of Skill, a Sith Apprentice must fight courageously in battle, complete a mission with a low chance of survival, or defeat a superior enemy, and they must do so alone.
The first test of a Sith. The Sith Apprentice must dedicate themselves to improving their skills and abilities. Their attendance in Amtgard, and involvement in workshops, practice, and training should be exemplary. The Sith Master is free to determine if the Apprentice is adequately dedicating themselves to the pursuit of self-improvement.
The first trial of a Sith Apprentice; the Master must give the Apprentice a very hard assignment, which they must fulfill alone. The Apprentice may not graduate from this trial until they have successfully completed their assignment.
===Trial of Insight===
'''Trial of Courage'''
''"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…" ―Darth Plagueis''
''"My Master will not make Palpatine's mistake. All Jedi must die." ―Darth Nihl''
To Trial of Insight involved a Sith Apprentice confronting their fear and hatred. Only by mastering these emotions would a Sith prove worthy of further advancement.  
To pass the Trial of Courage, a Sith Apprentice must fight courageously in battle, complete a mission with a low chance of survival, or defeat a superior enemy, and they must do so alone.
The second test for an [[Amtgard]] Sith Apprentice is to master his or her weakest fighting style. They must fight with that style any chance they have. That may mean being unable to play certain classes while completing this trial. They may participate in tournaments that allow the use of other fighting styles, but must take their weakest style for any "Open" category. Once the Apprentice has mastered their weakest style in the eyes of their Master, they may move on.
The second trial of a Sith Apprentice; The Master must give the Apprentice a very hard assignment, which they must fulfill alone. The Apprentice may not graduate from this trial until they have successfully completed their assignment.
===Trial of Sacrifice===
''"Apprentice, has Darth Ruyn been a good teacher?"''
'''The Trial of the Flesh'''  
''"He is the only teacher I have ever known, Lord."''
''"I can die a hundred times, Exile, and still I will rise again, as strong as before." ―Darth Sion to the Jedi Exile''
''"Do you respect him? Do you care about him?"''
''"Yes, Master."''
''"Kill him." ―Darth Krayt and Darth Talon''
The Trial of Flesh involved the Sith harnessing great physical pain, hardship, or loss; channeling it into hate and anger. It may also test the Sith's ability to improve themselves and their abilities above all else.
A would-be Sith Lord must first prove their loyalty to the Sith Order and the Darkside of the Force. The final trial before being granted the title of Sith Lord, an Apprentice must sacrifice something or someone deeply important to them. It is common for the sacrifice to be the Sith’s family and/or associates. Such a sacrifice serves to sever all the Sith’s ties to their former life.
This third test for an [[Amtgard]] Sith Apprentice is to master his or her weakest fighting style. They must fight with that style any chance they have. That may mean being unable to play certain classes while completing this trial. They may participate in tournaments that allow the use of other fighting styles, but must take their weakest style for any "Open" category. Once the Apprentice has mastered their weakest style in the eyes of their Master, they may move on to the final test.
The exact subject of the sacrifice is entirely up to the Sith Master to determine. An Apprentice must perform the sacrifice personally in order to pass through this trial and claim the title of Sith Lord.
===Trial of Ascension===
'''The Trial of Skill'''
''"Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the Darkside will be complete!" ― Darth Sidious
''"Apprentice, has Darth Ruyn been a good teacher?"''
The Apprentice has proven worthy of the title of Sith Lord. The final test for the Apprentice is to best their Master, and claim the title of Master for themselves (and begin the cycle anew). The Apprentice may choose to openly challenge their Master when they feel they are ready, or stealthily assassinate their Master unawares.
''"He is the only teacher I have ever known."''
''"Kill him." ―Darth Krayt and Darth Talon''
The Master now informs the Apprentice that the time has come for him to prove himself a Sith Lord, and challenges him to a duel to the death.  
The Sith Master must always be aware of their Apprentice’s plots, and although betrayal is the ultimate culmination of a Sith Apprentice’s training, the Master should make every effort to make his Apprentice’s ascension as difficult as possible. The only exception is when the Master has become a liability to the Order, through capture, old age, severe injury, etc. In these cases, the Master would usually encourage their Apprentice to kill and replace them to preserve the Sith Order itself.
If the Apprentice defeats their Master, the Master becomes one with the Force. The Apprentice's training is complete. They are now worthy to be a Sith Lord.
When the Apprentice kills their Master, the Master becomes one with the Force. The Apprentice's training is complete. They are now worthy of the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.
==Sith Lord Ceremony==
=Sith Lord Ceremony=
''"The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead." ―Darth Sion''
''"The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead." ―Darth Sion''
A new Sith Lord would travel to the tombs of the fallen Sith Lords on Korriban. The spirits of past Sith Lords gather around the Sith Master, presided over by the spirit of the eldest Sith Lord present. The Sith's former master's spirit would also attend, but usually did not participate in the ceremony itself.  
The aspiring Sith Lord would travel to the Valley of the Sith. The [[wraith]]s of past Sith Lords gather would around the Sith Master, presided over by the [[wraith]] of the most powerful Sith Lord present. The Sith's former master's [[wraith]] would also attend if possible, but usually did not participate in the ceremony itself.  
The Sith Master, typically having the spent the previous day and night meditating in a chamber below The Sith tombs, would enter the chamber at the beckoning of their former Master's spirit, and walk into the center of the darkened hall. The Sith Lord spirits would then ignite lightsabers and angle them towards the floor.  
The aspiring Sith Lord, typically having the spent the previous day and night meditating in a chamber below The Sith tombs, would enter the chamber at the beckoning of their former Master's [[wraith]], and walk into the center of the darkened tomb or temple. The Sith Lord [[wraith]]s would then raise their Sith swords, angle them towards the floor, and bow their heads.
The Eldest Sith Lord heading the Knighting ceremony would recite the following formula, beginning with a standard greeting:  
The most powerful Sith Lord heading the Knighting ceremony would recite the following formula, beginning with a standard greeting:  
''"We are the Sith. The Dark Side speaks through us. Through our actions, it proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what it has proclaimed."''  
''"We are the Sith. The Dark Side speaks through us. Through our actions, it proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what it has proclaimed."''  
''"Step forward and kneel, Sith Master [Name of Sith]. I now complete your initiation to the power of the Dark Side; Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth [Name of Sith], Dark Lord of the Sith."''
''"Step forward and kneel [Name of Sith]. I now complete your initiation to the power of the Dark Side; Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth [Name of Sith], Dark Lord of the Sith."''
The [[wraith]] of the Sith Lord heading the ceremony would then place his palm against the forehead of the newly christened Dark Lord of the Sith, and say the following:
''"Lord (Name of Sith)... rise."''
''"Lord (Name of Sith)... rise."''
The Sith spirits would then salute the newly knighted Sith Lord, and the ceremony would conclude.
The Sith [[wraith]]s would then salute the newly knighted Sith Lord, and vanish, at which point the ceremony would conclude.
=Sith Cults=
''The chains of the grave cannot hold a Dark Lord of the Sith…" ―Marka Ragnos''
Fallen Sith Lords, like other powerful beings, have the ability to continue to live on even after death through the power of the Force. These Sith [[Wraith]]s may continue to plot, scheme, and gather new apprentices. If the [[Wraith]]s of the Fallen Sith Lords approve of the Order's current leadership, they may support the current Dark Lord of the Sith with knowledge, wisdom, and power. If a Sith [[Wraith]] disagrees with the status quo of the Sith Order however, they may gather a cult around themselves, and train new apprentices to wipe out the current Dark Lord and their minions, and begin the Order anew.
Sith Cults can grow rather large, as Sith [[Wraith]]s can be very powerful, can offer their followers fonts of forgotten wisdom and may be able to exercise incredible power. They are not invincible however, and may be defeated. If a Sith [[Wraith]] is destroyed they are too weak to manifest physically without the use of their Sith Holocron.
Sith [[Wraith]]s have the potential to  be resurrected, even millennia after their death, however the ritual to perform such a feat has never been successfully completed. More often than not Sith [[Wraith]]s simply possess a body (sometimes even their own decayed corpse, resulting in the Sith [[Wraith]] existing as a [[Lich (Monster)]].
=Sith Holocrons=
''Locked within its recesses, accessible only to a Dark Lord of the Sith, are the forgotten histories and lore, dating back a hundred thousand years or more. ―Odan'Urr''
''"Someone here once told me that the Darth title was no longer used because it promoted rivalry among the Sith. It gave the Jedi an easy target. It was easier just to abandon the custom. To have all the Sith Masters use the same title of Dark Lord. But I know the truth, Qordis. I know why none of you claims the that name for yourself. Fear. You're cowards. None of the Brotherhood is worthy of the Darth title. Least of all you." ―Darth Bane''
A Sith Holocron was a device used by Sith to store information. Typically, they required use of the dark side to activate.
The process by which Holocrons were created was a very difficult one, but involved the Sith Lord storing a small amount of their own essence in the pyramidal Sith Holocron, allowing the essence inside to interact with the world as an avatar of its creator and continue to train and instruct aspiring Sith Lords. The Holocron's avatar had no physical being outside of the Holocron itself however, and thus a dead Sith Lord could not be resurrected via their Holocron as opposed to a Sith [[Wraith]] which could be resurrected to life using the proper alchemical formulae.
Sith Holocrons (even those of extremely powerful Sith) were simply tools of learning, and could never gathered cults unto themselves the way Sith [[Wraith]]s often did. The avatar in the Holocron was not mindless however, and could deny training or knowledge to aspiring Sith Lords whom they found unworthy of their teaching, and although they had no physical substance (and thus could not be physically attacked, nor attack in turn), they continued to command a degree of power in the Darkside of the Force.
A title for Sith who have attained [[Knight]]hood, it is synonomous with the title [[Sir]].
''"The Darth title was more than just a symbol of power; it was a claim of supremacy. It was used by those Dark Lords who have sought to enforce their will on the other Masters. It was a challenge—a warning to bow down or be destroyed." ―Sith Blademaster, Kas'im''
'''Dark Lord of the Sith'''
'''Dark Lord of the Sith'''
A title that is only given to one that is acknowledged as the leader of the Sith order. They must pass through the Sith Trials, and be a [[Knight]] in order to claim this title. There may be only a single Dark Lord of the Sith at any one time. Once the Apprentice of the Dark Lord kills their Master, they also take this title for themselves once [[Knight]]ed.
A title that is only given to one that is acknowledged as the leader of the Sith order. They must pass through the Sith Trials, and be a [[Knight]] in order to claim this title. Only Dark Lords may create Sith Holocrons for themselves. There may be only a single Dark Lord of the Sith at any one time. Once the Apprentice of the Dark Lord kills their Master, they also take this title for themselves once [[Knight]]ed.
The title for Sith who have attained [[Knight]]hood; synonymous with the title [[Sir]].
'''Sith Lord'''
'''Sith Lord'''
The title of Sith Lord is given to either a former Dark Lord of the Sith (if killed by his Apprentice), or the leader of the Sith Order if they are not a [[Knight]], but have passed the Sith Trials. Sith Lords who are killed by their Apprentices remain as "Force Spirits" and may take a new Apprentice. This new Apprentice must challenge the current Apprentice of the current Dark Lord of the Sith, in order to take their place.
The title of Sith Lord is given to Sith who have successfully completed the Trial of Sacrifice. Unlike the title ''Dark Lord of the Sith'', the title ''Sith Lord'' is not lost, even if the Sith Lord is usurped. Sith Lords who are killed by their Apprentices remain as [[Wraith]]s, continue to live after a fashion, and may continue to take new Apprentices. These new Apprentice must challenge the current Apprentice of/or the current Dark Lord of the Sith, in order to take their place.
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*[[Redav]] - Apprentice
*[[Redav]] - Apprentice
*[[Renn Penombra]] - Adept
*[[Renn Penombra]] - Adept
*[[J-Orc]] - Adept
To see information about other groups in Amtgard please see the [[Household|Household Page]].
To see information about other groups in Amtgard please see the [[Household|Household Page]].
Take the [[Sith Test]].

Latest revision as of 18:39, 17 March 2011

"Treachery is the way of the Sith." ―Darth Tyranus




The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish. ―Darth Revan

The Sith Order is a sect within the LARP of Amtgard; often characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they are willing to use in order to acquire it. The Sith blend aspects of both Stick Jocks and Flurbs, and refer to Amtgard Magic as the Force. To join the Sith Order, one must be apprenticed to a Sith Master. Most Sith use red covers on their swords.


"Equality is a lie…A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.

Equality is a perversion of the natural order…It binds the strong to the weak. They [the weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.

Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt." ―Darth Bane

Sith philosophy emphasized conflict. The Sith believed that it empowered both individuals and civilizations by forcing them to change, grow, and evolve. Conflict ensured that only the strong would survive, thus leading the Sith down the path to perfection. Individuals only deserved what they were strong enough to take and those too weak to protect themselves were fair game.

The pacifistic teachings of the Jedi were viewed as obstructions to progress; lack of conflict led only to stagnation and decline. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.

"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." ―Darth Maul

The core of a Sith's power comes from emotion. The Jedi taught that fear and anger were negative emotions that must be overcome, but the Sith understand that every living creature was subject to such passions. They believe in harnessing rather than suppressing these natural urges. The Sith do not endeavor to place themselves beyond passions as the Jedi did – on the contrary, they believed that emotion was required in order to attain a holistic understanding of the Force.

However, not all emotions were embraced by the Sith. They, like the Jedi, considered 'love' a dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. The Jedi discouraged love because it led to attachment, but the Sith taught that love led to mercy, which was anathema to them.

The Sith Code

"I am not a man of words. But I respect the power of words, for that is what transformed me. The words of the Sith Code." ―Darth Bane

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.

The Rule of Two

"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power; the other to crave it." ―Darth Bane

To ensure the continued survival of the Sith Order, the rule of two is upheld. The rule of the two institutes that a master trains an apprentice. Once the apprentice was fully trained, he would kill the master and take on the mantle himself and repeat the process. The death of the master is either a ceremonial killing or an assassination.

Sith Master

"It is natural for him to want to destroy me. It is not crude mundane ambition, as it would be in an ordinary man; it is part of his growth. And of course it does not offend me—it is why I chose him. But he needs to grow still further." ― Darth Sidious

Sith Masters are Sith that have an apprentice serving beneath them.

Sith Apprentice

I pledge myself to your teachings, to the ways of the Sith.

Good…Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Anakin Skywalker, you are one with the Order of the Sith Lords. Henceforth, you shall be known as…Darth…Vader. ― Darth Vader and Darth Sidious

Sith Apprentices are Sith neophytes that are studying under the tutelage of a Sith Master.


"She will be more than a match for young Skywalker."

"It matters not. She is merely an instrument to bring forth the eradication of the Jedi." - Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious

Adepts are not technically Sith; nor are they trained in the secrets of the Sith. They were often Dark Jedi chosen and honed by the Sith Apprentice. Essentially, adepts are candidates to replace the Apprentice if he or she is killed or ascends to mastery.

Trials of the Sith

The Trials of the Sith are an opposing reflection of the "Trails of the Jedi", and are for members of the Sith Order to undertake as they approach Knighthood. A Sith who attains a Knighthood takes the title "Darth" instead of "Sir".

When the Apprentice is nearly eligible for Knighthood, the Master assigns these trials which they must complete alone.

Trial of Skill

"I want you to strike at the heart of Black Sun. It is a vast criminal syndicate . . . its influence felt on every planet from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Black Sun has existed for hundreds of years, and embedded itself in the very fiber of the galaxy. The resources at its disposal are almost limitless. The soldiers under its command number in the tens of thousands. The ignorant even call it the most powerful force in the known universe. Do you understand what I ask of you? You will be one being against a galaxy-spanning organization,"

"Do you wish Black Sun destroyed utterly?" ―Darth Sidious and Darth Maul

To pass the Trial of Skill, a Sith Apprentice must fight courageously in battle, complete a mission with a low chance of survival, or defeat a superior enemy, and they must do so alone.

The first trial of a Sith Apprentice; the Master must give the Apprentice a very hard assignment, which they must fulfill alone. The Apprentice may not graduate from this trial until they have successfully completed their assignment.

Trial of Insight

"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…" ―Darth Plagueis

To Trial of Insight involved a Sith Apprentice confronting their fear and hatred. Only by mastering these emotions would a Sith prove worthy of further advancement.

The second test for an Amtgard Sith Apprentice is to master his or her weakest fighting style. They must fight with that style any chance they have. That may mean being unable to play certain classes while completing this trial. They may participate in tournaments that allow the use of other fighting styles, but must take their weakest style for any "Open" category. Once the Apprentice has mastered their weakest style in the eyes of their Master, they may move on.

Trial of Sacrifice

"Apprentice, has Darth Ruyn been a good teacher?"

"He is the only teacher I have ever known, Lord."

"Do you respect him? Do you care about him?"

"Yes, Master."

"Kill him." ―Darth Krayt and Darth Talon

A would-be Sith Lord must first prove their loyalty to the Sith Order and the Darkside of the Force. The final trial before being granted the title of Sith Lord, an Apprentice must sacrifice something or someone deeply important to them. It is common for the sacrifice to be the Sith’s family and/or associates. Such a sacrifice serves to sever all the Sith’s ties to their former life.

The exact subject of the sacrifice is entirely up to the Sith Master to determine. An Apprentice must perform the sacrifice personally in order to pass through this trial and claim the title of Sith Lord.

Trial of Ascension

"Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the Darkside will be complete!" ― Darth Sidious

The Apprentice has proven worthy of the title of Sith Lord. The final test for the Apprentice is to best their Master, and claim the title of Master for themselves (and begin the cycle anew). The Apprentice may choose to openly challenge their Master when they feel they are ready, or stealthily assassinate their Master unawares.

The Sith Master must always be aware of their Apprentice’s plots, and although betrayal is the ultimate culmination of a Sith Apprentice’s training, the Master should make every effort to make his Apprentice’s ascension as difficult as possible. The only exception is when the Master has become a liability to the Order, through capture, old age, severe injury, etc. In these cases, the Master would usually encourage their Apprentice to kill and replace them to preserve the Sith Order itself.

When the Apprentice kills their Master, the Master becomes one with the Force. The Apprentice's training is complete. They are now worthy of the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.

Sith Lord Ceremony

"The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead." ―Darth Sion

The aspiring Sith Lord would travel to the Valley of the Sith. The wraiths of past Sith Lords gather would around the Sith Master, presided over by the wraith of the most powerful Sith Lord present. The Sith's former master's wraith would also attend if possible, but usually did not participate in the ceremony itself.

The aspiring Sith Lord, typically having the spent the previous day and night meditating in a chamber below The Sith tombs, would enter the chamber at the beckoning of their former Master's wraith, and walk into the center of the darkened tomb or temple. The Sith Lord wraiths would then raise their Sith swords, angle them towards the floor, and bow their heads.

The most powerful Sith Lord heading the Knighting ceremony would recite the following formula, beginning with a standard greeting:

"We are the Sith. The Dark Side speaks through us. Through our actions, it proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what it has proclaimed."

"Step forward and kneel [Name of Sith]. I now complete your initiation to the power of the Dark Side; Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth [Name of Sith], Dark Lord of the Sith."

The wraith of the Sith Lord heading the ceremony would then place his palm against the forehead of the newly christened Dark Lord of the Sith, and say the following:

"Lord (Name of Sith)... rise."

The Sith wraiths would then salute the newly knighted Sith Lord, and vanish, at which point the ceremony would conclude.

Sith Cults

The chains of the grave cannot hold a Dark Lord of the Sith…" ―Marka Ragnos

Fallen Sith Lords, like other powerful beings, have the ability to continue to live on even after death through the power of the Force. These Sith Wraiths may continue to plot, scheme, and gather new apprentices. If the Wraiths of the Fallen Sith Lords approve of the Order's current leadership, they may support the current Dark Lord of the Sith with knowledge, wisdom, and power. If a Sith Wraith disagrees with the status quo of the Sith Order however, they may gather a cult around themselves, and train new apprentices to wipe out the current Dark Lord and their minions, and begin the Order anew.

Sith Cults can grow rather large, as Sith Wraiths can be very powerful, can offer their followers fonts of forgotten wisdom and may be able to exercise incredible power. They are not invincible however, and may be defeated. If a Sith Wraith is destroyed they are too weak to manifest physically without the use of their Sith Holocron.

Sith Wraiths have the potential to be resurrected, even millennia after their death, however the ritual to perform such a feat has never been successfully completed. More often than not Sith Wraiths simply possess a body (sometimes even their own decayed corpse, resulting in the Sith Wraith existing as a Lich (Monster).

Sith Holocrons

Locked within its recesses, accessible only to a Dark Lord of the Sith, are the forgotten histories and lore, dating back a hundred thousand years or more. ―Odan'Urr

A Sith Holocron was a device used by Sith to store information. Typically, they required use of the dark side to activate.

The process by which Holocrons were created was a very difficult one, but involved the Sith Lord storing a small amount of their own essence in the pyramidal Sith Holocron, allowing the essence inside to interact with the world as an avatar of its creator and continue to train and instruct aspiring Sith Lords. The Holocron's avatar had no physical being outside of the Holocron itself however, and thus a dead Sith Lord could not be resurrected via their Holocron as opposed to a Sith Wraith which could be resurrected to life using the proper alchemical formulae.

Sith Holocrons (even those of extremely powerful Sith) were simply tools of learning, and could never gathered cults unto themselves the way Sith Wraiths often did. The avatar in the Holocron was not mindless however, and could deny training or knowledge to aspiring Sith Lords whom they found unworthy of their teaching, and although they had no physical substance (and thus could not be physically attacked, nor attack in turn), they continued to command a degree of power in the Darkside of the Force.


"The Darth title was more than just a symbol of power; it was a claim of supremacy. It was used by those Dark Lords who have sought to enforce their will on the other Masters. It was a challenge—a warning to bow down or be destroyed." ―Sith Blademaster, Kas'im

Dark Lord of the Sith

A title that is only given to one that is acknowledged as the leader of the Sith order. They must pass through the Sith Trials, and be a Knight in order to claim this title. Only Dark Lords may create Sith Holocrons for themselves. There may be only a single Dark Lord of the Sith at any one time. Once the Apprentice of the Dark Lord kills their Master, they also take this title for themselves once Knighted.


The title for Sith who have attained Knighthood; synonymous with the title Sir.

Sith Lord

The title of Sith Lord is given to Sith who have successfully completed the Trial of Sacrifice. Unlike the title Dark Lord of the Sith, the title Sith Lord is not lost, even if the Sith Lord is usurped. Sith Lords who are killed by their Apprentices remain as Wraiths, continue to live after a fashion, and may continue to take new Apprentices. These new Apprentice must challenge the current Apprentice of/or the current Dark Lord of the Sith, in order to take their place.


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