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Latest revision as of 00:22, 24 November 2016

Shadow Scratch, of Misty Hollow, Kingdom of the Rising Winds

”I'm a fox you know~”


Many hundreds of years ago, in a land far more mystical and fantastic than we know, there was a group of islands east of Japan known to its inhabitants called "The Land of Shadows." Creatures of various types lived in their own sections of the island peacefully. One region in particular belonged to kitsune, who were, despite their mischievous nature, in good relation with most all parts of the islands. All was in harmony until a corrupt group of warlocks from a clan of bears to the north attempted to take land by force from the kitsune in order to gain size and power. While they were not successful, they destroyed homes and killed and captured families, nearly purging the Land of Shadows of kitsune completely before they were defeated. In their last moments of war, they also cast a powerful curse on the islands, drying the land and turning plantlife to dust. In the years of famine and chaos followed, legends and tales arose of men and women unfortunate enough to be stranded or lost on the islands being killed, eaten, raped, or simply falling prey to the cursed land itself. This was the home of the kitsune known as Shadow Scratch.

The fox was born before the invasion of warlocks, and grew up in relative peace, learning and playing like any other child of their species. It wasn't until he was, from their perspective, about three years old when the attack started. The bears took his family from him and left him to fend for himself. He lived an orphan for a short time (about seventeen human years) when a warrior got stranded on the kitsune's part of the land. He found him, still a small pup, and thought him a feral fox. Unaware of the kitsune's true nature, he trained and raised him as an aid and companion for five years, naming him Shadow Scratch as a reference to him being a furred animal from the land of Shadows. However, even with the help of the young fox, the man could not live long on these lands, and passed away due to disease and hunger. Devastated but not broken, Shadow gathered his wits and set off to make an adventurer of himself, in honor of his late friend.

Shadow traveled the world for the remainder of his childhood, learning various trades: a bit of crafting, some art, and other things most children in the areas he visited were learning. Later, as he grew a bit older, he began to learn more advanced things, like metalwork, clothes making, and music. However, like many teenagers did, once Shadow reached adolescence, he became rebellious. He tried thieving and pranks, but they left him either in trouble or with guilt. He eventually found himself trying things he thought were both "frowned upon" and free of actual trouble. Having run through a fairly short list of options, he settled in the world of adult entertainment. He began cleaning floors and tables at a brothel, but using his cunning and exotic form as leverage, he slowly worked his way into dancing, and eventually prostitution. Part of his success was due to his girlish figure, which was heavily exploited to the extent that he'd grown accustomed to wearing feminine attire and sometimes even dresses. After years of travelling prostitution, odd jobs, and learning to defend himself on the roads, he had become quite wealthy and no longer needed the money he got from his "work"... So he continued it as a hobby. The unclean and sinful arts became an important part of his life that he had come to take pride in. By this time, his name was known by at least one person in every part of the world weather it be from his presence, or friends spreading it to others, and he loved it!

However, as more years passed and his body became more mature, he began to attract less people, and eventually found that it wasn't as fun or exciting as it used to be. When he reached maturity, he was already focusing more on studies and various arts than his sinful pastime, and the more he did so, the more interested he became in acquiring knowledge. He continued his adulthood travelling and training with warriors, musicians, traders, pirates, you name it. Finally, after centuries of his magical lifespan, he took on a student, Necrombius of Parnassus, teaching him his various arts and sciences he'd learned though his hundreds of years of life. It was soon after this that he found himself in Europe, being welcomed into a modest but growing village called Misty Hollow. He lived for not much more than a year there before he realized just how old and out of practice he was. Fearing that his age would catch up to him and end his life, he set out in search of an enchanted potion to restore his youth.

The tired old fox, having lived a life of adventure and teenage promiscuity, and later fighting and wisdom, finally happened upon the potion, coincidentally shown to him by a survivor of the war that destroyed his birthplace. Drinking this potion returned his to what humans consider to be age ten. His memory, though a bit spotty due to his old age, was still in tact, and his skills were as sharp as ever! The only problem was... now that he was young again, he wanted to return to his adventures in the sinful arts. And since he could not recall what age he began at, he has decided now is as good a time as any. With libido ablaze and sword at his side, Shadow Scratch now travels the world once more, in search of tales and friends to bring back to Misty Hollow.

Affiliated Groups

New Camp Dark Glory

Notable Accomplishments

Scaring a former monarch with the thought of my character being "in heat" Creating a semi-recurring villain known as "Blood Slime" or "Slime Shadow"

Additional Images

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif