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== '''Rynn Speartha of [[Wolvenfang]], [[Goldenvale]]''' ==
== '''Rynn Speartha of [[Wolvenfang]], in the [[Principality]] of [[Nine Blades]]''' ==
In the Beginning
It’s not easy being the daughter of a known hero, even worse when your brother is also a hero. That’s where I came from. Every person in the kingdom of Brehnan knows the tales of Adhain Speartha and how he took down Diabhal with the use his mighty great-sword, Duskbringer! They know the charm, wits, and skills of Solas Speartha, who is now one of the top ranking Knights of Brehnan. They know of the unbelievable healing abilities of the beautiful Cre Speartha. Heck, some people have even heard of Grian Speartha and how he too is quite gifted in the healing arts. But very few have heard of Rynn, Adhain and Cre’s only daughter and middle child. With no magic, skills, and being a girl, no wonder they’ve never heard of me.
I lived on our family farm, doing and learning what I could from those around me. Most days the chores and labour were monotonous, but then there were days when father would be out of town for appearances at court or other boring post hero pleasantries that I would beg Solas to teach me. Mother knew of these days but kept it from father; I liked to think she understood me or that I reminded her of herself when she was young. Solas would try and teach me how to use a sword, bow or even ride a horse with obstacles, Grian would heal me when the training went wrong. One of my favourite memories was of our first sword session when Solas said “Rynn the sword is easy to learn but hard to master, when you get confused just remember to put the pointy end into the other man”. Solas was always like that, ready with a quip and quick with a smile. Both he and Grian would always try to cheer me up when I was down. Solas would tell us his many stories and roguish adventures. He’s always been my favourite scoundrel. I wished that one day, some day, I would have amazing, exciting adventures of my own. However, it did sicken me to see the local girls swoon over him and how he adored their attentions. He changed around them and acted even more like father and lost all his common sense he got from mother. When things were really bad I had a refuge; I would run to the nearby forest to escape. However, the absolute worst night of my life would change it forever.
Some rich guy, a duke I think, heard that the “great” Adhain and the “amazing” Cre had a daughter; that the “magnificent” Solas had a sister. This “duke” wanted to be a part of the “astonishing” bloodline and offered money and small noble title to my family so I would bare him a son with the “power” of the Spearthas.
As if I would do such a thing! Unfortunately for me, my father agreed. He had always had fame but never much money or real power. Mother never cared for material things; we always had what we needed, but I once overheard father arguing with her that he not only did he want his name to live on but also to have a dynasty. Looking back, I know he loved me and maybe seen the marriage as a win for both of us; I would never lack for anything and he would get his wish.
So there I was, standing in the kitchen late in the evening by myself across from father and mother when he told me of the offer and his acceptance. Left there mouth open, mute with the shock and horror of being sold like cattle; mother weeping. Forced marriage!
We argued. We yelled and screamed. Then, SLAP! My face felt as hot as my temper. I ran.
I made my way to my escape, my forest. My father didn’t follow; I could hear mother yelling from the front step for me to come back. I ran to where I hid a small pack near the treeline with provisions and my rapier I used for practice.
Crying and screaming in anger, I ran then walked aimlessly for what seemed ages unsure what to do. I replayed the argument in my mind losing track of my surroundings, eventually the trees began to thin and I stumbled into a very large grove; one I had never seen before. How far had I walked?
This grove had a moderate waterfall flowing from the heights above to come crashing down into a large pool. Spray and mist created by the falling water gave the area a definitive dreamlike quality. I rubbed my eyes and to my amazement it wasn’t a dream but my reality. Fliting to and fro were tiny fey like fireflies dancing just above the water which reflected the starlight form the heavens above. In the middle of the pool rising out of the water was a small grassy knoll with a single flower at the center. This was no ordinary flower. It was made of the purest white light, however while my gaze was transfixed by it as bright as it seemed it didn’t cause my eyes to water. As I approached this magical flower, it shown even brighter, still my eyesight was unaffected. I was attracted to it like a moth to the flame and knelt down to smell it when a sudden pain struck my neck. I winced at the sting and to my astonishment the flower was gone. The pain spread and I became dizzy and nauseous. My body began to convulse, panic set in as I scanned the area for my attacker. For some reason my thoughts flashed to Solas’s advice about sticking the pointy end into the other man but I as my hand went for my sword I fell to the ground. The pain spread throughout my body, the spasms intensified and the agony grew until I could bare it no longer. The last sensation besides pain I felt was the dew soaking through my clothes and then all went black.
When I awoke, my newly found grove was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and looked around, surrounded by trees, but not my forest. The ache in my neck was still there; however, what was once excruciating spasms was now a dull throbbing pain. I pulled out a tiny wooden sliver of some sort from my neck where I was stung; what had happened? I stood up, testing my muscles, catching my breath, I tried to gather my bearings. Using my instincts, which had previously never led me astray, I made my way back to where my farm should be only to find it wasn’t there. Yes, I could have chosen a wrong direction; however, the flora and fauna I was able to observe was unknown to me. Where was I? I think it was then that I slowly began to realise I wasn’t home anymore, I had been moved by someone, somehow while I had been asleep. My mother had many books on plant and animal life that I helped Grian to study and I had remembered much of them myself. Nothing about even the farthest lands in the book corresponded with what I saw here. I remembered mother telling me tales as a child of fey tricking creatures and luring them to there world….had this happened to me?
Now lost and alone, I walked for what seemed like days seeing nothing but plants and animals; yet I felt guided by some force. I finally came upon a town in the shadow of what I now know to be a dormant volcano only then seeing a smoking mountain. After stumbling into town making many inquiries and receiving many strange looks and answers, I was informed that this community was called Wolvenfang, and it seemed to always be in chaos. Furthermore, no one had ever heard of the Speartha legacy.
This is it, I was now well and truly alone. I guess I got my wish and would no longer be forced to wed. What would my family think of me? Would mother or even father mourn my loss? Would Solas and Grian go looking for me, what have I done? If only I could get word to them. The one happy thought I had was that another long awaited wish had been granted; this is the place where I can make my mark, have my adventures, have my own stories. If I ever got home I could now share stories with my siblings and finally feel equal and accepted, even though deep down I knew I always had been.
Tosha, The Flower of Light
Banding together with heroes from all over the Northern Empire, fighting a void fiend named Y’madras, I was knocked unconscious while fleeing a crumbling temple and left in the Void. While in the dark, I saw horrible things and what I could only hear but not see was worse. The only comfort I had was finding a flower of pure light identical to the one in the grove that brought me to Amtgardia. The flower spoke to me briefly and sounded like it was in pain, as it spoke it wilted and was only able to tell me its name; Tosha. It wasn’t until Finola, Ascli, and my company, the Order of the White Raven resurrected me from the Void that I could hear Tosha clearly.
Sometimes when I dream or meditate, Tosha will speak to me. I have divined to the best of my ability that she is a nature spirit and ally of the fey that protects and keeps balance in the wilds. She was able to use Void energy to unlocked dormant primal magics within me and has chosen me as her avatar of sorts. The Void stuff used has a chaotic taint that must be purged form my system when I have sufficiently recovered from my stay in the Void; I doubt it will be a pleasant experience. To prevent the corruption’s spread she has used her primal magic to contain the taint. Since the Void, I appear to have a green vine like growth protruding from the skin on my neck; I think that its the imprisoned taint. 
She doesn’t seem to be completely altruistic and obviously seems to have a mysterious purpose for me and although it’s not the best relationship it’s one I can appreciate.
I have recently found out that Tosha is one of three nature spirits. Helain, her twin sister represents wind, fire, chaos and hedonism; she is irresponsible and loves to create mischief and fornicate. Stad, the older brother, represent earth, death and rot, which is a necessity in nature; he harbours a secret and deep hatred for Helain. Tosha represents water, life, discipline and protection and was the given the responsibility to keep a balance between her siblings. I am now part of this sibling rivalry and as before with my family, stuck keeping the balance with Tosha.
===Belted family===
===Non-Noble Titles:===
"She Who Was Left Behind"
===Affiliated Groups:===
===Affiliated Groups:===
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===Notable Accomplishments===
===Notable Accomplishments===
* '''Order of the Garber''' - rank 1
* '''Order of the Rose''' - rank 1
*[http://www.wolvenfang.ca Wolvenfang Website]
*[http://www.wolvenfang.ca Wolvenfang Website]
[[Category: Goldenvale People]][[Category: Wolvenfang People]]
[[Category: Goldenvale People]][[Category: Wolvenfang People]]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 18 August 2019

Rynn Speartha of Wolvenfang, in the Principality of Nine Blades



In the Beginning

It’s not easy being the daughter of a known hero, even worse when your brother is also a hero. That’s where I came from. Every person in the kingdom of Brehnan knows the tales of Adhain Speartha and how he took down Diabhal with the use his mighty great-sword, Duskbringer! They know the charm, wits, and skills of Solas Speartha, who is now one of the top ranking Knights of Brehnan. They know of the unbelievable healing abilities of the beautiful Cre Speartha. Heck, some people have even heard of Grian Speartha and how he too is quite gifted in the healing arts. But very few have heard of Rynn, Adhain and Cre’s only daughter and middle child. With no magic, skills, and being a girl, no wonder they’ve never heard of me.

I lived on our family farm, doing and learning what I could from those around me. Most days the chores and labour were monotonous, but then there were days when father would be out of town for appearances at court or other boring post hero pleasantries that I would beg Solas to teach me. Mother knew of these days but kept it from father; I liked to think she understood me or that I reminded her of herself when she was young. Solas would try and teach me how to use a sword, bow or even ride a horse with obstacles, Grian would heal me when the training went wrong. One of my favourite memories was of our first sword session when Solas said “Rynn the sword is easy to learn but hard to master, when you get confused just remember to put the pointy end into the other man”. Solas was always like that, ready with a quip and quick with a smile. Both he and Grian would always try to cheer me up when I was down. Solas would tell us his many stories and roguish adventures. He’s always been my favourite scoundrel. I wished that one day, some day, I would have amazing, exciting adventures of my own. However, it did sicken me to see the local girls swoon over him and how he adored their attentions. He changed around them and acted even more like father and lost all his common sense he got from mother. When things were really bad I had a refuge; I would run to the nearby forest to escape. However, the absolute worst night of my life would change it forever.

Some rich guy, a duke I think, heard that the “great” Adhain and the “amazing” Cre had a daughter; that the “magnificent” Solas had a sister. This “duke” wanted to be a part of the “astonishing” bloodline and offered money and small noble title to my family so I would bare him a son with the “power” of the Spearthas.


As if I would do such a thing! Unfortunately for me, my father agreed. He had always had fame but never much money or real power. Mother never cared for material things; we always had what we needed, but I once overheard father arguing with her that he not only did he want his name to live on but also to have a dynasty. Looking back, I know he loved me and maybe seen the marriage as a win for both of us; I would never lack for anything and he would get his wish.

So there I was, standing in the kitchen late in the evening by myself across from father and mother when he told me of the offer and his acceptance. Left there mouth open, mute with the shock and horror of being sold like cattle; mother weeping. Forced marriage!


We argued. We yelled and screamed. Then, SLAP! My face felt as hot as my temper. I ran.

I made my way to my escape, my forest. My father didn’t follow; I could hear mother yelling from the front step for me to come back. I ran to where I hid a small pack near the treeline with provisions and my rapier I used for practice.

Crying and screaming in anger, I ran then walked aimlessly for what seemed ages unsure what to do. I replayed the argument in my mind losing track of my surroundings, eventually the trees began to thin and I stumbled into a very large grove; one I had never seen before. How far had I walked?

This grove had a moderate waterfall flowing from the heights above to come crashing down into a large pool. Spray and mist created by the falling water gave the area a definitive dreamlike quality. I rubbed my eyes and to my amazement it wasn’t a dream but my reality. Fliting to and fro were tiny fey like fireflies dancing just above the water which reflected the starlight form the heavens above. In the middle of the pool rising out of the water was a small grassy knoll with a single flower at the center. This was no ordinary flower. It was made of the purest white light, however while my gaze was transfixed by it as bright as it seemed it didn’t cause my eyes to water. As I approached this magical flower, it shown even brighter, still my eyesight was unaffected. I was attracted to it like a moth to the flame and knelt down to smell it when a sudden pain struck my neck. I winced at the sting and to my astonishment the flower was gone. The pain spread and I became dizzy and nauseous. My body began to convulse, panic set in as I scanned the area for my attacker. For some reason my thoughts flashed to Solas’s advice about sticking the pointy end into the other man but I as my hand went for my sword I fell to the ground. The pain spread throughout my body, the spasms intensified and the agony grew until I could bare it no longer. The last sensation besides pain I felt was the dew soaking through my clothes and then all went black.

When I awoke, my newly found grove was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and looked around, surrounded by trees, but not my forest. The ache in my neck was still there; however, what was once excruciating spasms was now a dull throbbing pain. I pulled out a tiny wooden sliver of some sort from my neck where I was stung; what had happened? I stood up, testing my muscles, catching my breath, I tried to gather my bearings. Using my instincts, which had previously never led me astray, I made my way back to where my farm should be only to find it wasn’t there. Yes, I could have chosen a wrong direction; however, the flora and fauna I was able to observe was unknown to me. Where was I? I think it was then that I slowly began to realise I wasn’t home anymore, I had been moved by someone, somehow while I had been asleep. My mother had many books on plant and animal life that I helped Grian to study and I had remembered much of them myself. Nothing about even the farthest lands in the book corresponded with what I saw here. I remembered mother telling me tales as a child of fey tricking creatures and luring them to there world….had this happened to me?

Now lost and alone, I walked for what seemed like days seeing nothing but plants and animals; yet I felt guided by some force. I finally came upon a town in the shadow of what I now know to be a dormant volcano only then seeing a smoking mountain. After stumbling into town making many inquiries and receiving many strange looks and answers, I was informed that this community was called Wolvenfang, and it seemed to always be in chaos. Furthermore, no one had ever heard of the Speartha legacy.   This is it, I was now well and truly alone. I guess I got my wish and would no longer be forced to wed. What would my family think of me? Would mother or even father mourn my loss? Would Solas and Grian go looking for me, what have I done? If only I could get word to them. The one happy thought I had was that another long awaited wish had been granted; this is the place where I can make my mark, have my adventures, have my own stories. If I ever got home I could now share stories with my siblings and finally feel equal and accepted, even though deep down I knew I always had been.

Tosha, The Flower of Light

Banding together with heroes from all over the Northern Empire, fighting a void fiend named Y’madras, I was knocked unconscious while fleeing a crumbling temple and left in the Void. While in the dark, I saw horrible things and what I could only hear but not see was worse. The only comfort I had was finding a flower of pure light identical to the one in the grove that brought me to Amtgardia. The flower spoke to me briefly and sounded like it was in pain, as it spoke it wilted and was only able to tell me its name; Tosha. It wasn’t until Finola, Ascli, and my company, the Order of the White Raven resurrected me from the Void that I could hear Tosha clearly.

Sometimes when I dream or meditate, Tosha will speak to me. I have divined to the best of my ability that she is a nature spirit and ally of the fey that protects and keeps balance in the wilds. She was able to use Void energy to unlocked dormant primal magics within me and has chosen me as her avatar of sorts. The Void stuff used has a chaotic taint that must be purged form my system when I have sufficiently recovered from my stay in the Void; I doubt it will be a pleasant experience. To prevent the corruption’s spread she has used her primal magic to contain the taint. Since the Void, I appear to have a green vine like growth protruding from the skin on my neck; I think that its the imprisoned taint.

She doesn’t seem to be completely altruistic and obviously seems to have a mysterious purpose for me and although it’s not the best relationship it’s one I can appreciate.

I have recently found out that Tosha is one of three nature spirits. Helain, her twin sister represents wind, fire, chaos and hedonism; she is irresponsible and loves to create mischief and fornicate. Stad, the older brother, represent earth, death and rot, which is a necessity in nature; he harbours a secret and deep hatred for Helain. Tosha represents water, life, discipline and protection and was the given the responsibility to keep a balance between her siblings. I am now part of this sibling rivalry and as before with my family, stuck keeping the balance with Tosha.

Belted family


Non-Noble Titles:

"She Who Was Left Behind"

Affiliated Groups:

Notable Accomplishments