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==Maramus, Barony of [[North Haven]]==
==Maramus, Shire of [[North Haven]]==

Revision as of 18:30, 8 October 2008

Maramus, Shire of North Haven



A long time player, about 12 years running. Maramus has played in just about every Kingdom in Amtgard. Originally from the Kingdom of the Wetlands, Maramus learned to sling foam as a Wizard. Resulting in the almost unheard of (and sometimes laughed about) mastery of the two dagger technique. His fellow players are more afraid of him when he wields a pair of daggers, than when he swings a sword about. One of the many unfortunate victims of the records crash in the Wetlands all of Maramus's awards were lost to the winds. Maramus prides himself in being one of the few honorable fighters in North Haven.

Affiliated Groups

Belted line


Held Champion position umpty-billion times.

