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(New page: ===Flurb War I: The Golden Violin=== Pirate vs Gypsy Just something to wet your whistles... The Golden Violin is a powerful magic item created by gypsy casters. It combines the bard spe...)
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Latest revision as of 12:28, 27 February 2008

Flurb War I: The Golden Violin

Pirate vs Gypsy

Just something to wet your whistles...

The Golden Violin is a powerful magic item created by gypsy casters. It combines the bard spell of "Charm" with the wizard spell of "Transform".

Ages ago in the lands of Furbsylvania, the Great Gypsy King Serg Flurbmonanov, had the Golden Violin constructed to serve two purposes. The first, was to punish his three rival brothers, Larry, Darryl and Darryl. When the magic in the Golden Violin was invoked, Larry, Darryl and Darryl were transformed into dancing monkeys.

The second purpose of the Golden Violin was to keep Serg's young daughter, Flurbsmerelda, entertained. She would play music for the enchanted monkeys to dance to for hours, until they passed out from exhaustion.

Years passed, and eventually Flurbsmerelda eloped with the notorious pirate Flurbsbeard. King Serg saw no reason to keep the enchanted monkeys around without his daughter and he released them from their curse. Due to years of being monkeys, Larry, Darryl and Darryl were now bungling humans that fled to Vermont.

Recently, the Golden Violin has be discovered, buried in the ruins of a wagon factory in Flurbsylvania, along a sizable pile of treasure. Coincidently, Captain Flurbsbeard's log was found in an ancient privy, telling tales of the treasure and the Golden Violin.

Pirate spies have found out that the treasure and the Golden Violin will transported to End Reign Celebration of the Kingdom of the Wetlands and presented to the current Gypsy King.

There will be more to come, but this is the direction that I plan on taking this scenario. Super cheesy, over the top, AmtRP to the fullest.

Now to find a violin that I can paint gold, bejewel and destroy.
