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A Quest for Amtgard

The Questors awaken after a mighty battle. Why they were unconscious, they do not know. Perhaps they were struck in the head or suffered a glancing blow. Nonetheless, their comrades and even their enemies are nowhere to be found—only a pile of corpses and blood-soaked ground. They have been left for dead by their comrades and must make their way back to town together, or else surely they will perish.

Of course, the death and carnage has given rise to any number of foul Undead creatures and getting back will be no easy task.

This is a quest for up to four Players (at a given time—feel free to run multiple questors through it and cycle them out for Monsters to keep things entertaining). It is best done along a trail through a park as it allows for movement and space.

First Encounter: A Rude Awakening

The players barely have time to blink before they are set upon by a moaning pack of shambling corpses. These are standard Zombies from the Dor Un Avathar X. There should be approximately 6 Zombies for a party of 4 Questors. Should the players defeat this encounter, they will find two Potions of Healing and a Wand of Mending among the dead. They may split these as they see fit.

Second Encounter: AMBUSH!

As the questors are walking down the trail, they are beset by a group of 4 Rage Zombies. These should come out of a hiding place with little or no warning and move quickly. The only reward for defeating these monsters is survival.

Third Encounter: Hush.

The players encounter a Repentant Zombie in the middle of the path, on her knees, sobbing. Should the players attack, approach within 5', or make any noise louder than a whisper, the Repentant Zombie will lose the Beneficent trait and attack. Should the players slay her, they will find a Scroll of Reanimation on her body. If the players manage to avoid the Repentant, they do not receive the Scroll, but they also do not have to fight her. If they can manage to RP an encounter with her, that can potentially lead to greater rewards.

Fourth (and Fifth) Encounter: The Hanging Tree

Find a convenient tree along the path. There are numerous corpses strung on up nooses from its limbs. As the players approach, these Ghouls will attack. There should be roughly 3-4 Ghouls for an encounter of 4 players.

As the battle is underway, another ambush of Rage Zombies appear (if need be, these can be the same players from before). These should be coming in from the flank or rear to cause maximum disruption. Clearing both encounters will earn the players a Gauntlet of Doom.

Sixth Encounter: The Sea of the Dead

The players come to a river crossing filled with shambling Zombies. The river counts as water, meaning everyone must crawl on their knees (including the 4-6 Zombie Hordes in the terrain). Getting through this encounter will allow the players to continue down the path to the next encounter.

Seventh Encounter: Run or Fight? BOTH!

As the players approach this encounter, encourage the two Brute Zombies to roar, stomp, and basically make a lot of threatening noise. Think gorillas on threat display. There are two Brute Zombies and they are there to make a paste of the players utterly. Luckily, should the players manage to defeat these two monsters, they earn a Refresh and one additional life for the next (and final encounter).

Eight Encounter: Death made Flesh

Finally, the players are almost to town, where they see an Undead Terror assaulting the gates. Time for some thrilling heroics. The players must defeat the creature in order to make it back to town and see what, if anything, remains. Encourage anyone not actively taking part to play a Peasant “survivor” and help the players take on the huge creature. Victory means that the players can enter their town and... Well, that's for the next quest!