
From AmtWiki


Fedaykin banner.png


The Fedaykin are an Amtgard fighting company. Colors are Tan, Brown and Red.

The Fedaykin are elite Fremen death commandos. These Fremen warriors have been tried and tested in the ways of battle and the desert. Able to survive for long periods of time in the dunes of Arrakis, and prepared to make any sacrifice necessary to repel invaders from their lands. The Fedaykin await the coming of the Lisan al Gaib, savior from the outer world. They would gladly lay down their lives in service of him.

This particular sect of Fedaykin reside in Sietch Fizi (fortress of the sun) currently lead by the Naib Ignatius “Ifri” Solaris.

The Fedaykin are governed by the Amtal Rule, which dictates that only the strongest shall lead as Naib. If a Fedaykin wishes to lead, they must challenge the current Naib to a duel to the death (first to 10) in order to take their place.



Additional Images

Fedaykin death commandos.jpg