Age of Combatants

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Combat in Amtgard is reserved for players of at least fourteen years of age. However, a monarch may choose to assume responsibility for allowing a child under fourteen to engage in combat, provided after evaluation, the monarch determines that the following minimum requirements are met:
  1. The child’s legal guardian must agree to assume all responsibility for the safety of the child and execute an additional waiver to that effect, acknowledging the risks inherent in Amtgard combat, especially for children engaging in combat with adults, and assuming responsibility for those risks.
  2. The child’s legal guardian must be present and within sight of the child during the time combat is taking place.
  3. The child must be of a sufficient size and health as to not pose a safety risk to themselves, or others, within the normal parameters of Amtgard combat.
  4. The child must consistently following the rules of combat and behave in an honorable manner on the field.
  5. The child must be mentally and emotionally capable of handling the combat environment without becoming upset or agitated.

Children under the age of fourteen may still engage in combat with children of similar age and size, provided they do so separately from other players, have a signed waiver, and are supervised by their legal guardians.


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