Sirion Silvertongue

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Sirion Silvertongue, of Lichwood Grove, Shire of Goldenvale

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At Ravenwing 2013


OOC: Joined Ravenwing in 2007 and left in 2010 and finally returning again in 2013. Has been in government several times in the past. helped to found the group Lichwood Grove in May 2014.


Sirion was a wanderer never really staying still for long. he came and went but always did his best to help everyone he came accross. he has light brown hair cut cropped to his earlobes, a face very plain but smooth without a scratch, brown eyes with white around the pupils making them only tiny specks. his eyes had turned more and more white as he had become stronger in the healing magics of a far off land. they showed his rank when he visited there. but it had been years since he had last payed them a visit. after spending just over a year in Ravenwing and helping them to build anew into Bellhollow his wanderlust had kicked in again and he had taken with him a two others where he journeied and decided to start anew. Lichwood grove was the new place. an ery forested area with stories of its own. here he met Jeet and his story still unfolds.

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

  • Founded Lichwood Grove in may 2013
  • Helped Lichwood Grove to become a Sponsored shire under the kingdom of Goldenvale on July 20th 2014

Positions Held

Lichwood Grove

  • Sheriff, May 2014 - Nov 2014


  • Sheriff, April 2013 - April 2014
  • Chancellor, November 2009 - July 2009
  • Sheriff, July 2008 - November 2008
  • Chancellor, October 2007 - April 2008

More Info
