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Drakus Darkstone, of Forsaken Lakes


Striding boldly from the misty darkness at the shore of the lake, Drakus the Goblin-Healer-Warrior-Pirate forever burned himself into the histories of the small holdfast known as Forsaken Lakes.

Little is known about the enigma that is Drakus, and the bits and pieces sewn together weave a powerful tale of mystery and might. Even the true form of the man is unknown, with some swearing him to be naught but a goblin, others attesting to his power to resurrect, and still others declaring him to merely be one of the most terrible pirates ever seen upon the seven seas. In distilled truth, however, most who knew Drakus only knew him as a singing blade tearing their body asunder with a "sicka-sicka" sound.

His powers most closely resemble the frigid tip of an iceberg; only a minuscule minority is known of the whole. Many a time he drove confusion into the ranks of foes with his loud cries of "AQUATIC!" while fighting hundreds of leagues from the nearest body of water. Even more astounding was the bounty of magical enchantments and resurrections routinely heaped onto his Goblin form. Once, at the Battle of the Valkyries, unschooled bystanders experienced confusion as Ronin Thelas resurrected Drakus the Gobin no less than seven times, and Eldrin the Mighty wove magical protections around Drakus the Goblin as oft as he was able. These witnesses voiced their bewilderment, speaking, "Why dost thou waste thy magicks upon such a small beast? 'Tis but a goblin!" Eldrin and Ronin responded together at once, saying, "Umm...it's Drakus." No further explanation was needed once the name of Drakus was uttered.

Often, Drakus challenged those who believed themselves to have great power. Once, a knight of the realms boasted far too often of his prowess in combat. Drakus seized upon this opening and challenged said knight to a duel of arms. Drakus the Goblin-Healer-Warrior-Pirate advanced upon said knight and with a shout of, "PENIS FENCE!", jumped high in the air and swung his own sword up between his own legs and smacked this haughty knight directly upon the chest. With a calm proclamation of, "Now you're pregnant," Drakus walked out of the memories of said knight. The knight sank to his knees and admitted the superior skills of Drakus the Deadly.

Drakus himself once alluded to the terrible depths of his magical capabilities when questioned about his Spell-scroll. One who thought himself high in the magical arts questioned Drakus the Healer, saying, "Oh Healer, where art though magical writings? Thou must place limits upon the magicks thou can cast in this forthcoming battle." In a testament to the reaches of his magic, Drakus responded, "Spell scroll? I don't bother with those any more. My magic is like water...it's fluid and takes any shape!"

Following the great wars and subsequent exodus of Forsaken Lakes' greatest heroes, Drakus the Goblin-Healer-Warrior-Pirate vanished just as cleanly as he had arrived. Only vague rumors surfaced many years later, hinting that Drakus had braved vast hinterlands and scaled great peaks somewhere in the far eastern reaches of the world.

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