Sekaon Tree

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(Redirected from Tree Sekaon)

Sir Lady Sekaon Tree of North River, Neverwinter

(Not to be used for Plant Door or TreeHugger Battles)

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Started Amtgard in 1996, watched and was part of the start of the Kingdom of Neverwinter. Traveled and was a member of the Iron mountains for a short time til she returned home. Former Loyal Squire to Sir Chohag, Knight of the Crown. His only squire to reach Knighthood.

Affiliated Groups

  • Co-Founded Clan FluffyTree with belted family member Squire Fluffycox.
  • House Fun Member
  • The Tree Family

Belted Line

Notable Accomplishments

  • Made it to the feast hall in 6 inch stripper boots one event without breaking her ankles or sinking into the ground
  • Has pranced around during feast and court in a bloodelf costume
  • managed to poison an entire feast at a corination.. resulting in the death of a massive 2 people who were not immune
  • has used up her 1
  • had a man ducttaped to a tree once
  • Started the "Page" Initation in NeverWinter
  • Owner of the FluffyTree Clan Cabin on Wheels
  • Feastocrat For Winter Midreign 2009 (Breakfast for dinner) where no one was poisoned, or died. (Her first)
    • We don't think anyone got sick either.**
  • Threw a party with Kaden Nar for Neverwinters 10 year And... noone died there either*
  • Feastocrat For Winter Midreign 2010.. Lasagna... noone left hungry or died! see pictures at North River Jacksonville Amtgard Chapter Facebook Page*
  • Autocrat for Fall Midreign 2012 where she was Squired
  • Queen of Neverwinter fall 2013
  • co feastcrat fall midreign 2015

Additional Images

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More Information

Elevated to Knight of the Flame, Aug. 2015 from King Kelvra- Kingdom of Neverwinter. Received her Master Rose Jan 2014 from King Nocturn
