Archimedes Falconfire

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Archimedes "Goggles" Falconfire, of Red Dawn, Neverwinter



Archimedes "Goggles" Falconfire was formerly the Sheriff of Red Dawn. His name comes from a humbler time when Kai was a leader at Tetsu Bonzai and could not remember his name, and therefore referred to him by the goggles he was wearing at the time to protect his glasses.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Man at arms to Rolando Darkjester

Notable Accomplishments

  • Has managed to get his face sliced open by his own glasses.
  • Managed to make it all the way to Neverwinter's Midreign when his car was in the shop. He walked.
  • Once when challenged to a fight, exploded the guys head, because he's a Jedi, and that's how he rolls.
  • Once got himself stabbed in the face with a live steel sword assisting a friend with a film. It didn't really faze him. He simply informed his opponent that he wasn't going to take the shot.
  • Sakura Moon Empire competitive sluffing champion in 2007. A victory that is hotly debated to this day.
  • Doesn't need the help of immature children to make fun of himself. Perfectly capable of doing it on his own.


  • Orkicon2.gif