Archimedes Falconfire
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(Redirected from Goggles)
Archimedes "Goggles" Falconfire, of Red Dawn, Neverwinter
Archimedes "Goggles" Falconfire was formerly the Sheriff of Red Dawn. His name comes from a humbler time when Kai was a leader at Tetsu Bonzai and could not remember his name, and therefore referred to him by the goggles he was wearing at the time to protect his glasses.
Affiliated Groups
- Former member of the Tetsu Bonzai
- Former member of Red Dawn
- Former member of Phoenix Guard Fighting Company
Belted Family
Man at arms to Rolando Darkjester
Notable Accomplishments
- Has managed to get his face sliced open by his own glasses.
- Managed to make it all the way to Neverwinter's Midreign when his car was in the shop. He walked.
- Once when challenged to a fight, exploded the guys head, because he's a Jedi, and that's how he rolls.
- Once got himself stabbed in the face with a live steel sword assisting a friend with a film. It didn't really faze him. He simply informed his opponent that he wasn't going to take the shot.
- Sakura Moon Empire competitive sluffing champion in 2007. A victory that is hotly debated to this day.
- Doesn't need the help of immature children to make fun of himself. Perfectly capable of doing it on his own.