Fidget Fagitolli

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Fidget Fagitolli
Chapter Ashen Spire
Kingdom Westmarch
Started 2016

Fidget Fagitolli

"... of the family Fagitolli."

Character Biography

Fidget is a young Bard with quite a history of trouble that he usually doesn't intend but instead just stumbles into. He can commonly be found in a tree working on his magic or dead and confused not only about why hes dead but also about where he is how he got there and why the person wouldn't just be his friend instead of resorting to murder.

Player Biography

Frieden started playing Amtgard in 2016 at Bandits Flats East in The kingdom of The Crystal Groves enjoying the immersive role play and fantasy combat enough the he started a new chapter Highsail Refuge in Denton, MD a area closer to his and a small group of other fairly new players. He is currently a member of Ashen Spire in Santa Clara, CA.

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More Info

  • Orkicon2.gif