Drakenwulf Myre
DrakenWulfs Myre is a defunct shire in the kingdom of Goldenvale, located in Charleston, WV.
DWM existed from approximately 1999 - 2004 and met primarily at Coonskin Park in Charleston, WV.
Legend states that the shire of Drakenwulf Myre was founded by leaders Ogre and Shadow Wolf in, or before, 1999. Activities originally took place in front of an oddities shop known as Curious Goods...on their small gravel parking lot and in the actual road. DWM sought more suitable land and soon found themselves in Coonskin Park in Charleston, WV.
First known Officers:
Sheriff - Ogre
PM - Unknown (Jade?)
Regent - Shadow Wulf
Champion - Paracellus
Last Known Officers:
Sheriff - Snovo
PM - Milk
Regent - Allison
Champion - Eldritch
Contacts and Directions
Link to the ancient website: [1]