Missing Peasants

From AmtWiki

The Tale

  • In the nights of this quest, an unknown threat had come to the lands of Siar Geata. Peasants, during that time, had been disappearing in the night and had not been heard from since. A single witness told that he saw the last of the victims being taken towards the graveyard. The shire promised 1 gold piece for each peasant that was returned.
  • Preparing themselves before nightfall, the adventurers divided themselves into several teams. Some truly sought to rescue those hapless souls being held captive, while others plotted only to slay the other groups as they returned with their prizes, and fill their purses by the labor of others.
  • It wasn't long before they realized that the night would be long and rife with the screams of fallen adventurers. As each party made their way towards the graveyard, the moans of mindless undead filled the air, and battle ensued. Shortly thereafter, a quick and stealthy foe made his first appearance killing all that stood to fight and shrugging off their blows with impunity. Draining several of the slain, the vampire, Lord Savage replenished his strength, and numbers, as many rose to join his ranks among his brood.
  • The skirmishes continued, while the darkness, fog, and graveyard took a toll on the fortune-seekers morale. Worst yet, the vampires and their zombie servants reduced their numbers to but a mere handful. Only 3 survivors managed to escape the predators' grasp, and with only 1 peasant among them.
  • Given renewed fervor and the knowledge of what they were facing, the 2 adventurers that survived gathered a new company with which to hunt the undead menace. Armed with stakes, spears, and healing magic, they quickly rushed the graveyard stronghold, keeping the lesser vampires and zombie minions busy, and laid Lord Savage to rest.
  • Returning triumphantly, the questers were secure in the knowledge that they had done their duty. Although, a single vampire is known to have fled upon learning of his sire's fate. Hopefully, he has moved into the wilds and on to other lands, never to harm the folk of Siar Geata again.

Missing Peasants Quest Write-Up