Asmodeus ironscale

From AmtWiki

Prime minister Asmodeus Ironscale, of Boarhaven, Westmarch

Asmodeus with boarhaven banner.jpg


having started in 2018, asmodeus was a mercenary in his early days. it wasnt until the formation of boarhaven that he would dedicate months of filling the shoes of prime minister, as well as taking volunteer shifts during events such as feast of the gods and darkshore. if it wasnt for asmodeus being a prime minister, this page wouldnt be written. thank you for everything. -Jostiah Mancio

Affiliated Groups


Notable Accomplishments

Order of Battle 1

Order of the Dragon 2

Order of the Garber 1

Order of the Mask 2

Order of the Owl 1

Order of the Rose 5

Additional Images


Feast of mars mercenary games.jpg
Darkshore 2023.jpg