Deth the Dire Hearted

From AmtWiki

Sir Deth the Dire Hearted, Warlord of the Lands that Burn.

” Never let them see you smile”



aka: Robert (Robbie) Klipp. Joined May 28th 1983

  • Knighted (May/85) Knight of the Sword by Sir Heimdale
  • Deth was the third member of the Wandering Unicorns his skill with a sword was surpassed only by Sir Nashomi. He is most noted for having won the 1st Warlord Tournament utterly destroying all those on the field that day. As Amtgards second Warlord he helped to make the Unicorns the premiere fighting company of the day.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Sir Deth The Dire Hearted (7/14/84)

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website