Bjorn um Vindold

From AmtWiki

Arch Duke Sir Bjorn um Vindold, of Kestrel Keep, Neverwinter.

”I will stop playing Amtgard when it is no longer fun. Today is not that day! prepared to die!”



Bjorn Um Vindold Bear (Barry D. Guertin) A Russian Viking who traveled east toward Japan and got lost while traveling back over the Dark Sea. Head of the Porcupine Company. Famous for trying to introduce the foam padded cavalry, fortunately saner minds prevailed. His entanglements with his wondrous wife Alanna(a goddess) spawned our great and powerful protector Gargoyles. Squeak! says that Bjorn has very ugly chili pepper garb. Which hurts Bjorn's feelings.

Affiliated Groups

Member of the Evil French.

Belted Family

Before he was welcomed into the peerage in the Order of the Flame by King Nocturne in 2004 Bjorn was squire to Dame Andralaine of the Burning Lands, who was squire to Sir Deth. Sir Bjorn has one Squire, Aitri. Bjorn has two Man at Arms, Mogur and Damien Logos. Bjorn has one Page, Keena Ferrel

Sir Deth The Dire Hearted (7/14/84)

Notable Accomplishments

  • Bjorn has held two terms as Monarch of the Kingdom of Neverwinter, and is not yet crazy.
  • Is a Master Lion
  • Is a master wizard, awarded for never breaking a game while playing wizard.
  • Has served at his local park in every office except chancellor more than once.
  • Was one of the founders of Darkwater East
  • Was one of the principle people who helped form the South Eastern Alliance
  • Was one of the founders of the Kingdom of Neverwinter


  • Knight of the Flame - Knighted in November 2004 at Harvest Feast (Florida Bible Camp) by King Nocturne of Neverwinter November 2004
  • Arch-Duke
  • Viscount
  • Baron
  • Master Wizard
  • Master Lion

Additional Images

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website
