Benjamin Eskil Caddock

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Revision as of 17:58, 28 March 2018 by BlackBart (talk | contribs) (add wardancer template)

Lord Squire Benjamin Eskil Caddock, of Crystal Groves Proper, Kingdom of Crystal Groves

Benjamin Eskil Caddock
Caddock kneeling in his armor
Caddock's Heraldry
Chapter Crystal Groves Proper
Kingdom Crystal Groves
Started 2006
Noble Title Lord
Belted Status Squire
Belted Under Lady Dame Angela Mastersinger
Belted Over MaA Jarrlith Ulfurbloodd

Page Knightrage

Combat Ranking
Way Dancer
A&S Ranking
Way Dancer
Way.jpg Way.jpg

”An indicative quote goes here”


Benjamin Eskil Caddock, goes by the name of Caddock,

Started Amtgard in May of 2006 and a die hard Role-Player. He was a match made in Heaven for Dame Lady Angela Mastersinger (his knight). In everything Caddock does, he puts all his heart into.

Known as one of the most busiest men in Amtgard. Juggling his family, Amtgard and managing a theater career takes all his free time. Many call him the proverbial big foot of Amtgard. As when he arrives on a rare free weekend between his shows, people surround him in droves to get a chance to talk with him over the various ideas of Role-Play and quests they want to take with him. He's a caring, kind gentleman, full of passion and honor like no other on the field.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Alaeric Belted Line (<--Expanded Family Tree)

Caddock's Belt History:

Notable Accomplishments

6 or 7 Jovious awards has been given to this man. Amazing honor has been flowing form this gentleman. And the work he does with the people around him, has granted him much fame from around the lands of Crystal Groves. I don't know why he doesn't have a Master Jovious at this point. (Some people receive their 1st Jovious and get their master-hoods right afterwords.)

Additional Images

Caddock-2345-400.jpg Caddock234-400.jpg

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Caddock23-400.jpg Caddock245-400.jpg

Caddock on Youtube doing awesome and Hilarious Amtgard stuff!!! It's a must Watch Video!!!

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Personal Website
  • Company Website