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The Tryst Family

Family Picture here


The Tryst Family is a pair of belted lines, with the heads of the belted family being, Baron Sir Keluric Tryst and Baroness Dame Gwendair Tryst. The goals of the belted lines are to foster individual growth in Amtgard and in life. The members are dedicated to the betterment of themselves, and others, in all the areas of Amtgard.

Family Lineage

Baron Sir Keluric Tryst

Baroness Dame Gwendair Tryst

Baron Sir Keluric Tryst -- Personal and Belted Heraldry

download_zps82e28cae.jpg Baron Sir Keluric KevinHeraldryAvatar.jpg Lord Man-at-Arms Fox CJHeraldryAvatar.jpg Man-at-Arms CJ MikeZHeraldryAvatar.jpg Man-at-Arms Mikezilla SydHeraldryAvatar2.jpg Page Aspen

Baron Deimos, Squire to Sir Keluric -- Personal and Belted Heraldry

heraldryavatar.jpg Baron Squire Deimos GriffinHeraldry1-1.jpg Man-at-Arms Griffin Köford

Ailliath, Squire to Sir Keluric -- Personal and Belted Heraldry

PatrickHeraldry2.jpg Squire Ailliath

Baron Feanix, Squire to Sir Keluric -- Personal and Belted Heraldry

KirkHeraldryBaseAvatar.jpg Baron Squire Feanix

Baroness Dame Gwendair Tryst -- Personal and Belted Heraldry

GwendairHeraldryAvatar1.jpg Baroness Dame Gwendair MaryHeraldryAvatar.jpg Woman-at-Arms Braith

Family Photos


  • Orkicon2.gif