A 18 hour battlegame concentrating on accomplishing missions and capturing the opposing teams flags. Military themed missions and a connected background plot-line make Knoblander one of the most unique events in Amtgard.
Knoblander is a House Nemoralis event and produced annually by Sir Wisp Nemoralis, TuSocksNemoralis and most recently Dame SAMantha Nemoralis.
Knoblander X will be held in the midwest and Knoblander XI is scheduled to be held in the PNW. Both events are scheduled for late 2007.
There is talk of having the fall 2008 Knoblander in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
My question to the people of Neverwinter, Winter's Edge and the surrounding areas is......what is the liklihood of you attending a Knoblander placed approximately five (5) hours away?