Varl Sinclair

From AmtWiki

Man at Arms Varl Ciesban Sinclair Esquire, Mimirs Well, Kingdom of the Rising Winds

”Oh boy! here i go Killing again”

”Go ahead kill me, I'll only come back and return the favor”

”I am the Senate”

Varl Sinclair Paragon assassin.jpg


Varl Sinclair first began playing the game in 2010 in the park of Woodhaven Keep located in Rochester, MI. He excelled in the assassin class and was granted Paragon at Keep 2017. He is the Last Guild master of assassins in the Rising winds. Currently belted to Spire Grimblade as Man at Arms.

Vice Commander of Cu Morrigan

Belted Family

Noteable Awards

Paragon Assassin

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  • Orkicon2.gif