Admiral Anne Cash

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Woman At Arms Commodore Anne Cash, of Caradoc Hold, Goldenvale



Anne Cash, also known as Canned Hash to some, is a dearly beloved member of Caradoc Hold. Because she is awesome. The end.

in the spring of 2012 took Reigh M'Kale as a Page under her noble title of Commodore

Captain of the legendary ship "The Phantom Skull"

Commodore of the ships "The Phantom Skull", "The Revenge", "The Silver Serpent", and "The Dragon's Breath"

Belted Family

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

  • Makes totally awesome statuary out of toothpicks. No lie.
  • Master Archer, granted by King Talos of Goldenvale, May 2011
  • Lady (Captain), granted by King Sir Akrith, October 2011
  • Baronettess (Commodore), granted by King Sir Akrith, October 2011

Positions Held

  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, April 2007 - October 2007
  • Champion of Caradoc Hold, May 2007 - October 2007
  • Guildmaster of Theatre, Caradoc Hold, May 2007 - October 2007
  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, October 2007 - June 2008
  • Guildmaster of the Arts, Caradoc Hold, October 2007 - December 2008
  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, December 2008 - June 2009
  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, June 2010 - December 2010
  • Second Consort of the Principality of the Northern Empire, April 2011 - October 2011

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