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Revision as of 20:38, 23 July 2009

Squire Jerago Iron Keep, Blackspire




The Past:

Jerago awoke a young Man in a froeign land--no memories, only a desire to find home. He first found the Kingdom of Mystic Seas, and fought there as a peasant for nearly a year before he was pulled South by some unknown force.

He traveled for a year, then found what would become his long-tme home--the Duchy of Iron Keep (now a Barony), a part of the Kingdom of the Valley of Silver Rains.

While he had always felt the pull towards war, or at least warrior like atrributes, he found in Iron Keep a love of arts, skill-set use (role-play), and found as place as a servant to the land...

In Progress...

The Present:

Jerago returned from the desert after a seven year period of inner decimation, though much of that time was spent looking for his home-land, so that he could return. Each messenger he sent relayed the same news--the Duchy of Iron Keep was no more, and in time, he learned that the Kingdom of The Valley of Silver Rains was also gone. It would be much later that he would learn that it had been re-birthed as the Kingdom of Blackspire, a joining of his first land--Mystic Seas, and his home, The Valley of Silver Rains.

He eventurally heard news that Iron Keep had been rebuilt after two or three collapses, and was now a freehold shire.

He returned with memories of old days, where battles would be fought with 80-100+ people on the feild, and was saddened by the low numbers he saw, though was very happy with whom he saw--old friends from before--Enoch, Erg, Elscry, and Sir Nicademus, who had been only a squire last time they had known of each other... and there were new people on the field, and new friends to make. He set out on a path to raise morale, connect with the Kingdom's history, and work as a member of The Shire of Iron Keep to return to their Duchy status.

In days long past, he had served Iron Keep as her Champion for three reigns, her chancellor for one, and her Duke. He knew of leadership, and knew that the first thing to do was plant seeds of hope for a better future.

He spent many nights contemplating the past, and the future, and sent many messages to King Darrian, looking for a way... seeking a way to make a foundation for rebuilding, spreading ideas, talking to the officers of other lands, and those who had served prior.

It was a few months after his return that he saw a chance to step back into service, and helped Squire Savage with his first event--designed to collect food for the needy (Food for Lane County Tournement). He constructed prizes, and funded a BBQ with all monies past cost going to the Iron Keep coffer. The tournement was a success, raising over 300 cans of food from 45 participating members and mundanes, and the meal raised nearly $40 for Iron Keep after cost. Revelry was in the air, and Sheriff Baron Enoch signed papers officially entering Iron Keep into the Kingdom. However, there would also be a fight--Jerago wished to move parks, and Enoch did not.

As time passed, Jerago began looking at the other holdings for clues for rebuilding, to see what had occured in his absence, while also continueing to raise morale as he could in Iron Keep through the spreading of news, ithra ideas, and the possibility of travel.

Through this, he learned of a near tradegy--the Duchy of [Mithrill Hills] had planned a raid on Iron Keep--[Arch Duke] Ser (Sir) Tseng had declared a war on Iron Keep, blaming the kidnapping of Saint Sir Sularus on Iron Keep's people.

Jerago informed Sheriff Baron Enoch of the raid, and Iron Keep took initiative on the attack, and kidnapped Ser Tseng at the Blackspire/Shrouding Mist camping Midreign. Enoch and the Eclipse Fighting Company petrified the body (links below for prop) shattered it to peices, and hid the parts in three lands so that Mithril Hills could not take him back in one swoop.

The first part of the battle settled the entire dispute--The Kingdom had come at the aid of Mithril Hills, and with Jerago's advice, Sherrif Enoch took King Darrian and Regent Gameface captive, bartering their lives for a fair trial for Ser Tseng, pleading their initial innocence, and promise to put return Tseng's body so that he could be healed.

This happend for a two fold reason, however--to show Sheriff Enoch that the then curent land could not sustain Duchy numbers--or perhaps even Barony numbers--for carriges had to tripple park to contain the 45 members who came that day.

As time passed, Jerago continued small, large, and frequent letters/communications with members of the Kindom, and continued to set about his personl crafting of arts, which Sir Nicademus (whom had taken him as a squire) pressed him to do. He entered the Crown Qualificatiosn of the Winter reign of (2008) 25 A.A.S (After Amtgard Started), and took Arts and Sciences champion, with a score of 4.17, and 19 entered items.

While he and Ser Tseng had warred in recent times, and had been enemies, they had also worked together. When Ser Tseng took the throne, Jerago was much pleased, and pledged to provide any ideas that would be accepted, and any aid that could be used.

With Sadness, however, Ser Tseng took ill two months into his reign.

While only back for 7-8 months at that point, many from Blackspire spoke to Jerago about pursuing his blood-line as Blackspire's next Monarch. Even Grand/Arch Duke Sir Derk Roth, who also had a blood claim, wished Jerago well, and told the people that they could do no wrong with him at the crown.

So it was, November of 25 A.A.S., that Baron Squire Jerago took the pro-tem throne from Ser Tseng. He refused to call himself King--instead a calling himself The Steward of the Crown of Blaskspire, tasked with finishing the reign of Arch Duke Ser Tseng.

In recent months, he has bussied himself with seeing all the holdigns in their winter period, and writing letters to all about his travels, so that they can learn of their neighbors. He has also taken a belt from Sir Blade once again, whom he managed to track down.

As it is now, be works as well as he can to raise morale, and listen to those he serves so that their lives may be better.

It is his desire to continue forth into Summer, and prove himself to be a worthy King, and not just The Steward of the Crown.

Jerago recently became the center of an incident that occured at Winterbash 2009, and is attempting to keep a Kingdom together, while fearing for the plans that had been set for the summer.


Jerago is played/created by Christopher Bowes.

Chris is 29 at the moment, and works as a Glazier doing commercial glass work. He has also been a free-lance writer, twice published, though is on an extended break as he tries to set up a safety net prior to continueing that dream.

He also dables as leather crafter, oil painter, used to draw, and was a bladesmith before some damn tweaker stole his car, which had his anvil and 8 unfinished swords inside.

He loves art.. I guess...

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family


Notable Accomplishments

  • Champion of the Duchy of Iron Keep, 1998 winter, 1999 summer, 1999 winter
  • Chancellor of the Duchy of Iron Keep, 1999 Fall-Spring
  • Duke of the Duchy of Iron Keep Winter, 1999 Summer
  • Master Scout, 1999
  • A&S Champion, Fall Crown Quals, 2008
  • Order of the Jovious, Pac War, 2008
  • Regent of The Barony of Iron Keep, fall/Winter, 2008 (served 2 months)
  • Pro-tem Monarch of The Kingdom of Black Spire, Fall/Winter Reign


  • Squire - Given by Sir Trevar, 1999, Grand Duke Sir Blade, 1999, Sir Nicademus, 2008, Re-squired by Grand Dukle Sir Blade, upon his return.
  • Master - Given by Sir Tyric Magnusen, 1999
  • Master Scout - Given by Sir Tyric Magnisen, 1999
  • Lord - Given by Aristiri Skiiesdottir, 2000
  • Baron - Given by Aristiri Skiiesdottir, 2000


Classes at 6th level

  • Scout
  • Warrior

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