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Thor, of the Duchy of Crimson Wood, Westmarch under Dragonspine

Spear and magic helmet!


Thor is one of the talented youngsters which seem to materialize periodically at Crimson Wood--the sort who subsequently grow in martial prowess sufficient to fight elsewhere, and thereby not make us look quite as much like the flurbs we are.
It's a hackish ruse, but it (sort of) works. Thor and his father, Persona Non Grata, have been at CW since March of 2009, and continue to impress us with their skills at Florentining and other stick jockish pursuits. Though Thor originally was known for being a bow-centric Scout, it quickly became apparent that his latent Amt-talents lay within the realm of melee, and he has since risen strongly within that class's ranks. He and his father are frequently seen sparring while the rest of the denizens and the color nerd it up in the shade between battlegames.
In short, you know someone has Made It Big (by CW standards) when your mere presence can reliably alter the shape of a ditch line, and Thor, two swords in hand, tends to be rather good at that. His predecessor in young-rising-star-melee Crimson Wood history, Orion Haeren, may well have a run for his money soon enough!

Affiliated Groups

None at this time.

Belted Family

None at this time.

Notable Accomplishments

None at this--no, that's not quite right.