Yngiwulf Ormwyrd

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Master Yngiwulf Ormwyrd, Serenity Lakes, Kingdom of Neverwinter

”I will fight you!!!”

Yngiwulf tenuki.png Ormwyrd.jpg


Yngiwulf Ormwyrd began playing in April 2013 as a founding member of the newly formed Windtree Keep. While he ran for Champion (ha!), he also ran for Regent and gladly took up that position. Yngiwulf has found great joy in his position as Regent, with more Arts and Sciences projects every day. He has also enjoyed helping others find their niche within A&S. Yngiwulf's current projects include garbing and cloth armor, field-legal plastidip weapons, sculptures and maps.

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

Two beautiful children: Fithindel Ormwyrd and Thyri Ravenchilde
Achieved Master for being an Exceptional Regent under Queen Tree Sekaon.

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Personal Website