The Wasp Slayer

From AmtWiki

"No, really, they actually made this title for me" - Kevetor

Many moons ago at an EH midreign of little fanfare, the newbie Kevetor was tired of battlegaming and walked around Tanglewood Forest smashing wasp nests and smacking wasps out of the air. He would then loudly proclaim WASP-SLAYER!!!! and move onto the next area to find more nests. All nests that could be found in Saracen city and all of the onsite porta-johns were meticulously eradicated.

Years later after relocating to The Kingdom of the Wetlands, Kevetor made an example of a few wasps that made the mistake of harassing the fair folk of Ironwood. Again proclaiming loudly that he was the WASP-SLAYER!!!! he killed the wasps which promted the reigning Baron Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest to bestow him with this title...officially.
