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Punkin of the Shire of Mystic Hallow, Tal Dagore

”Googin'!” -Punkin

Punkin Ibn Xander Saif Al-Habib


Punkin is Mystic Hallow's youngest male member. He turned a year old on June 16, 2011. While he can't get on the field and play just yet, he enjoys swinging around the daggers his dada hands him. Once he even got a hold of the lightening great weapon his daddy made, and everyone was amazed when he flung it over his head and tried to smack his little sister with it. His favorite Amtgard pass time is watching Mama and Dada fight with foam weapons. He really gets a kick out of that, hooting and hollering. Cheering his mama on, of course.

Affiliated Groups


Xander Saif (Dada)

Koko Laylah (Mama)

Hiccups (Sister)

Notable Accomplishments

Being the cutest guy at Mystic Hallow

Additional Images

  • Punkin's Family Heraldry

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website

  • Orkicon2.gif