
From AmtWiki

Drago Amharetz, of Arrantor, Goldenvale

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." ~ Samuel Beckett

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Hail, traveler, and well met.

I come from the swamps of Darkwater East, where the stirges fly and the dragons swim. I trained as a wizard, but gave it up. That much power addled my head. Since then I've been a wandering friar, a bowyer, a tinker, and an explorer. I'd be a bard, if not for the sad fact that my singing causes milk to curdle and flowers to die.

Why am I here, fighting goblins and werewolves and gods-know-what-else? Well I suppose it's my overwhelming curiosity. Got to learn what's beyond the next mountain, what's hidden in the ancient temple, or just how those northern barbarians harness reindeer to a sleigh.

I first started playing Amtgard in Darkwater East, in the reign of Baron Sir Kitirat (1998). Traveled through Emerald Hills and Pegasus Valley, then settled at the Bitter Coast(2010-2011) Came to Arrantor in the reign of Sheriff Owen (2012).

In mundane life, I do materials science and engineering at Corning Glass.

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Affiliated Groups

House Kiroc

Notable Accomplishments

Builder of Amtgard crossbows and other odd items

Suffers from periodic bouts of Evil Wizardry (currently in remission)

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