Moreso Zanyu

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Lady Moreso Zanyu, the Hobbit Wrangler of Ominous Valley, Viridian Outlands

”I am Moreso Zanyu.

I love my turnips.

I love my fields.

And I especially love my non-turnip friends."


Moreso started in early July of 2016. Her first event was Omens 2016, the second instance of its type. That was three weeks after she joined.

At the event, she made friends and a household with one of her new friends, Rin Ozara. The both of them felt that they needed a household that would be dedicated to spreading kindness and support to all in their park (and outside of it too!). And thus, Lotus Flame was created on July 23, 2016. They quickly grew to be known in the Ominous Valley as the helpers and the supporters of their friends and the park members.

In February of 2017, Moreso attended Windchill up in Western Winds. There she met the whole WW crew and she learned a lot of helpful ways to make quick and easy garb from their Baron at the time. She delved more into the land of crafting and set her sights on becoming the next Regent of the shire.

Starting to reeve more, and encourage crafting more, fighting got pushed to the side.

At Circles of Fate 2017, the Nordic Nomads invited her in as an Adventurer to help her become a better crafter and a better leader.

In January, she took the mantle of Baroness to her small Barony. Her household flourished and the park enjoyed the taverns held each month.

On July 21st of 2018 at Circles of Fate, Moreso Zanyu was raised to the peerage with the title of Lady.

She then auto-crated Omens 4 amid the fires of the season.

Sometime in late 2018, Moreso Zanyu pulled her bid from the Nordic Nomads seeing that her path did not lie with them. She joined up with the band of mercenaries, Demon Gate, settling for a life of ease and swords with her friends and family.

Affiliated Groups

Lotus Flame
Demon Gate

Notable Accomplishments

Regent of the Barony of Ominous Valley for Summer Reign 2017

Baroness of the Barony of Ominous Valley for Winter Reign 2018

Gate-o-crat for Omens 2017

Gate-o-crat for CoF 2018

Autocrat for Omens 2018

Lady of the Peerage

Additional Images

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Personal Website
  • Company Website